Page 108 of This Wicked Curse

“Do I have to eat these too?” I ask, glancing at her pursed lips. She nods, crossing her arms over her chest. She won’t even look at me...

I shove the leaves into my pocket and tip her chin, forcing her gaze to meet mine. “I promise to do my best to keep everyone,myself included, alive. But if I do have to use these, I need your word that you won’t try to bring me back. I don’t want you to risk any more of your soul.”

Her hazel eyes finally reach mine, searching for something there as she chews her bottom lip. It’s a feeble attempt to hide the tremble, but at least she’s not wearing a mask anymore. “I promise.”

My hands cup her face as I lean in, pressing my forehead against hers. All the nerves and unease fade away when she’s this close to me. I claim her lips in a searing kiss like this might be the last time. Savoring the moment, memorizing the way her skin feels, the way she tastes... I don’t want to forget it. Not even in the next life, should it come to that. Something shifts within her and she leans into me, allowing herself to let go. I’m breathless by the time I pull away, afraid to open my eyes because once I do, everything changes.

Scarlet wraps her arms around me, clinging to my chest. “Just don’t need them, alright?”

I hug her back, burying my face in her hair, and drinking her in one last time. “I’ll do my best.” With a deep breath, I separate from her, turning to Zephyr in the clearing near my childhood home.

“I’ll get her to the ship. I promise,” Zephyr says. His poor face... I press my lips into a fine line as I reach for him, turning his chin so I can see how bad it is. “I’m a doctor, remember? I can take care of myself.”

That’s true, but it doesn’t change the fact my best friend went through all of this because of me. Luckily, the wounds are superficial and it’s more inflammation than anything. “There’s a special salve in my quarters. Scarlet knows where it is. Use it please?”

“I’ll take it into consideration.” He scrunches his nose, welting the deep purple bruises. “But I’m counting on you coming back to show me where that is.

“If it goes bad, please make sure—“

He cuts me off, holding up a hand. “I’ll see that she’s taken care of. You need to go.”

Nodding, I know he’s right. The longer we wait here, the less likely it is for us to do this and for our plan to work. “Where’s Lorian, anyway? I’m surprised he let you out of his sight here.”

Zephyr blinks at me a moment, then links his arm through Scarlet’s. “He’s on the ship. I’d planned to get herbs while I was here and he wouldn’t know what he’s looking for. Since Smee is indisposed, and you’re here, and Nelvin...” he trails off for a moment, clearing his throat. “They needed someone to stay behind. Someone who knew how to lead.”

That makes sense... He wanted to get Everbloom, and who knows who else was hurt. They might need the anesthetic now rather than later.

“Good luck,” he says, patting my arm and leading Scarlet away. I start to walk away, to head toward the beach where the Crocodile is setting up camp.

“Sebastian,” Scarlet calls, forcing me to turn around. “Don’t die.”

“As you wish, princess.” I bow sarcastically, spinning on my heel as I stand up. I hate that I can’t promise her anything, but I’m doing the best I can.

It doesn’t take me long to reach the beach, glimpsing the white stones on the coast as they shimmer in the hell flame light. He’s set up a tent on the shore, and rowboats are pulled onto the land. His ship is just offshore, and I can see the Jolly Roger looming in the distance. It’s farther down the island’s coast, dwarfed in comparison to his ship, but the masts are fixed and, for the most part, you’d never know she’s been almost destroyed.

The salty sea air stings my nostrils, and I can feel Scarlet’s unease roll through the bond as the weight of what comes next sits heavy on my shoulders. I spot Smee, sitting on the shore with her arms tied behind her back. There’s a gag in her mouth and glistening streams cover her cheeks. My chest tightens at the sight; she’s always been so strong... I can count on one hand how many times I’ve seen her cry.

The stones crunch beneath my feet as I close the distance, hands up in the air. Witches are gathered around the tent, their long cloaks hiding their wretched faces. They don’t so much as flint, watching me like hawks. The Crocodile steps out of the tent, catching me out of the corner of his eye and double-taking. Whatever he was about to tell Smee dies on his tongue as a wicked grin splits his face. “I knew you’d come around.”

“Well, I’m here. Let’s just get it over with.” I step forward, feigning surrender. My voice is steady despite the anxiety gnawing at my insides.

“What made you change your mind?” He juts his chin at me but doesn’t move an inch.

“My mother did. If she believes the lengths you’ve gone through to get my shadow back are necessary, then I know it’s the right choice. She’d never do anything to harm people on purpose.”

“She was a magnificent woman, wasn’t she? James never knew what to do with her. All she ever wanted was for him to stay here, yet he wouldn’t give up his fleet. I am curious, though, how did you survive? I thought for sure my witches were going to pull you out, soaked through up to your eyeballs. Imagine my surprise when their spells claimed you were here. The same island as Pan’s vault. Now, if that’s not fate, I don’t know what is.” The Crocodile chuckles to himself, looking along the tree line as if he’s waiting for something to pop out.

“Scarlet saved me.”

The Crocodile’s eyes narrow suspiciously as he mulls over my omission. “Is that so?”

“You got what you wanted. The least you could do is let Smee go.” I glance at her ropes before meeting his steely gaze again.

“No can do... You see, she tried to stab me. I much prefer her as is, but she’s also offered herself as a sacrifice. The ropes stay until she’s in that vault. Sorry.”

“Fine, but let’s talk. I’ll go willingly, but you have to play by my rules.”

His grin turns sinister, his eyes scanning over my body, landing on the sword at my hip. “Ditch the sword first. And seeing as that cuff isn’t on your wrist, I should warn you. Sapfirna doesn’t play fair. In fact, she’s casting now as we speak. You use even one shadow, and that ship goes up in flames.” He nods to the Jolly Roger.