Arlene is scrolling through her phone as if expecting breaking news. “Unfortunately, it is. I checked with our LA team, and they’ve confirmed he and Rhett Holmes, the sleazy photographer, are on their way here. Won’t be here in time for the start of the shoot tomorrow but will be around before you wrap.”
I lean back on the bed, arms behind my head, and close my eyes. Last time I was in a PR storm, I pulled together an entire team to manage the tidal wave of social media reaction. My silence does little to lower Arlene’s anxiety.
Her voice strains with an urgency that attempts to grab my attention. “Since they’ve published the article, it’s been picked up by most of the entertainment sites. TikTok influencers, Twitter mentions, IG posts have all skyrocketed. Our sources tell us each of the major national news outlets will make a mention.” I open my eyes and turn to rest on my elbow, facing her. “If Jimmy Kimmel or Fallon does a bit about it, we’re screwed.”
I rise, my hands pressed to either side of me on the bed. “Take the rest of the night off, Arlene.” Her brows furrow in confusion, as if she’s not sure she’s heard me correctly. “There’s nothing we can do about it. You need your rest. I’m sure jet lag is kicking your butt. I have to be on set for 5:00 a.m.” She stands slowly, reluctance in her movement. “This is a tomorrow problem, if it’s a problem at all.”
“What do you mean?” she asks, adjusting her phones in her hand. “We have a team back in LA. We can analyze the reaction. Blunt some comments. Spin the story. We’ve done this before.”
“And all it did was paint me into a manipulative liar.” I place a hand on Arlene’s shoulder and lead her to the doorway. “Let’s talk in the morning, but for now, I’m thinking we just let them talk amongst themselves. I’m just a girl who kissed a guy. Why don’t we just normalize that?”
“But… it’s not that…”
I wave off her objection. Arlene can go all night, and I don’t have the time or the energy to debate. “Tomorrow. I promise. I’ll deal with this tomorrow.” When I twist the knob and open the door, she realizes she’s lost this battle.
“First thing,” she barks, as if she controls anything.
“Second thing.” I shoot her a smirk. “There’s this whole being tossed off a skyscraper without a harness thing, which might take precedence.” I blow her an air-kiss and close the door.
I press my back to the door and exhale. As much as I want to race to my phone and read the comments on my social media accounts, I don’t. It’ll be a time-sucking rabbit hole that will keep me up all night.
As if I can sleep now.
I need a distraction. Not an electronic device that will cause me to wake with tired, red-lined eyes. I need something that will occupy my mind and my body.
Before I can convince myself this is a bad idea, I find myself in front of Mattias’ door. I swipe my tongue over my lips, push wild tendrils of my hair from my face, and lift my hand and knock.
The sound of rapid footsteps conjures an image of the gruff known as Mattias skipping to the door with a sunshine disposition. A radiant smile pulls on my lips. The door swings open, and there he is, shirtless in a pair of well-worn gym shorts. His hair is matted to his scalp. He’s just stepped out of the shower.
“Kitten, what are you doing here?” He glances over my shoulder, I suspect seeking Arlene. “Is everything alright?”
I nibble on my lower lip. “Just wanted to check to see if you’d reconsider my earlier offer.”
He doesn’t move a muscle. His jaw clenches, and his eyes roll up slightly, as if trying to recall the offer. It’s adorable that he thinks for a second I’d believe that he doesn’t know which offer I’m talking about.
“You need your rest,” he says with little conviction.
“If I stay with you, you can see that I do.”
“If you stay, rest will be one of the last things we’ll get.”
“I like the sound of that.”
I wait for him to wave me in. To step to the side. To give me any sign that this is going to become a reality.
When he doesn’t move, I step forward, my hand forming a small fist. I lift it and pound on his chest like I did the door a few seconds ago. His chest is rock hard, the hairs still damp. “Mattias. I’m prepared to knock all night. Will you let me in? I’m not going anywhere.”
I exhale at the sound of my words, realizing their truth. It doesn’t matter what is being said online. It doesn’t change a thing about what we are developing. This isn’t a fake romance whose discovery forced me to run. We’re trying to build something. Something I suspect could be special. I’m not going anywhere.
When he takes a step back, I try not to gloat in victory. “I was about to dream about this, anyway. Might as well.”
I step forward and press my lips to his, a reward for his admission. “Let’s see if the real thing is better than your dream.”
I step around him and march down the corridor to his bedroom. I stop at the doorway to the bathroom. I turn and shoot him a wink.
“Do I have time for a quick shower?”
He strides toward me, his dark eyes swirling with a hunger I can’t wait to satiate. “I wasn’t finished in there. Why don’t I join you?”