“Can I see them? Tomorrow?”

“No.” When she only nodded, he added, “We have things to do tomorrow.” She said nothing, strands of her hair fluttering in the breeze. Autumn weather was moving in which made the constant rain more odd. Even more bizarre was that the rain seemed to have followed them.

Or followed her.

He hadn’t told Axel and Luka of that observation yet. Not until he had more proof. They constantly teased him about his research and theories. He’d learned long ago not to say anything until he could fully back it up to avoid being the constant subject of their jesting.



“You should call them.”



“Because I do not wish to,” she said.

“You wish to see them.”


“How would that be different?”

She slowly dragged her eyes to him. “When you can hear my thoughts, will you be content to do simply that? Or will you insist on laying eyes on me?”

Valid point.

“You can video call him,” Theon offered.

She blinked.

“On the phone,” he added, extending his phone to her once more.

Still, she did not reach for it. “Why are you so insistent about this?”

“Because that was our deal. You upheld your end. I wish to uphold mine.”

“Consider it upheld.”

“Just call him.”


“Then why make the deal?”

“Because I am impulsive and did not think it through.”

“You regret it?” he pushed, his head tilting as she became more agitated and lost a little more control. She always revealed little pieces of herself she kept hidden when she got like this.

“Yes,” she ground out.


“Because it was just one more way I tied myself to you.”

Her eyes fell closed in regret when she realized what she’d said, and she turned back to the balcony once more.