A cruel smirk filled Theon’s face as he dragged his eyes back to Pavil. “I do not give a fuck,” he replied, his voice dark and low. He took a step towards him, actively ignoring the blue shade Metias was turning. “I do not care if Arius himself appeared to you and told you to come for her. The moment you laid a fucking finger on her, the second you looked at her without my permission, your life was put in jeopardy.”

“Do it, Eviana,” his father ordered, but before Eviana could lift a hand to cast any type of magic, Luka strolled casually between her and Theon. His pupils had shifted to vertical slits, his sapphire eyes glowing brightly. Smoke flowed from his nose as he exhaled deeply.

Valter’s features contorted with fury. “Stop this, Theon. You have made your point.”

“Have I?” Theon asked as Metias slid from his seat to the floor, his eyes beginning to roll back in his head. He could not kill a Legacy by mere strangulation, but his darkness was doing far more than cutting off air supply as it sank in deep to the male’s soul. Torturing. Burning. Making him wish for death.

He looked back at Tessa, who, to his absolute delight, was still casually sitting on the arm of his chair, sipping on the whiskey he’d given her. She looked bored out of her godsdamn mind, her eyes fixed on him.

“What do you think, beautiful? Do you think I have made it clear what will happen should anyone other than me touch you again?”

Tessa shrugged her shoulders dismissively, cocking her head to the side. “That one certainly seems to have gotten the message,” she answered, her eyes darting to Metias, who was now still on the floor.

Theon smirked at her, finally releasing his magic from the male’s throat, and turning back to Pavil. Another whip of darkness shot from his hand, wrapping around Pavil’s wrist and snapping it back before anyone could blink.

“In case the message is not clear enough,” Theon said nonchalantly over Pavil’s cry of pain, “if you, or anyone else, ever interferes with the relationship I have with my Source again, your life will instantly be forfeit. If it weren’t for my father, you would be dead. Next time, not even he will be able to save you.”

“Un-understood, m-my Lord,” Pavil stuttered, grasping his broken wrist to his chest.

“I trust you will relay the message when he comes to,” Theon said with a sneer towards Metias’s still form on the ground, veins of black running across his flesh. There would be no healing that.

He turned his back on them, strolling back to where Tessa sat. He leaned in close, his breath dancing over her lips when he spoke so softly, he knew only she could hear him. “Have I made it clear what will happen to anyone who touches you without my permission?”

The storm in her eyes flashed with defiance before she quickly schooled her features. “I think your message is crystal clear,” she said with a tight smile.

“And you?” Theon asked, pulling back a fraction. “Do you find your faith in me renewed?”

Her smile turned coy. “I trust you as much as I ever have, Master.”

His eyes narrowed, but he took his seat, taking the drink from Tessa’s hand.

“Now that that’s settled,” his Father bit out, “can we get on with our business? Some of us do not have all day.”

“Of course, Father,” Theon replied, taking a sip of liquor.

“The three of you leave for the Acropolis tomorrow. We will all join you in a week for the Emerging Ceremony,” Valter said. “I expect this week with the other heirs to be fruitful. I want new alliances in the making.”

Theon listened to his father go over the details they’d discussed numerous times, again wondering why they were even having this meeting. After an hour, he dismissed Metias and Pavil, but when Theon made to stand, he halted him.

When the door had shut behind their supposed allies, Valter said, “I have not received the report from the assessment yet.”

“Her testing did not yield completely accurate results, but they were in line with air and wind tendencies,” Theon said darkly, images of being thrown across the parking lot this morning flashing through his mind.

“How is that possible?” his father demanded. “How could they not be completely accurate? Was the proper testing done?”

“Yes,” Theon answered, reaching up and bringing his hand to Tessa’s nape. She had tensed beside him, her breathing shifting. He began making slow circles with his thumb, feeling her relax some beneath his touch. “I observed the entire thing.The most advanced assessments were done.”

“And her power level estimates?” his father pressed.

Luka came forward, handing Valter a folder that contained the false report. His father flipped the pages, his face impassive as he skimmed the documents inside.

Tessa was still tense, and Theon dropped his arm to her waist, tugging her off the arm of the chair and pulling her into his lap. She came easily, leaning back into him. His hand skimmed up her exposed spine, and she arched subtly.

“This says she will be quite powerful,” his father said, snapping the folder closed.

“It does,” Theon agreed. “She tested on the higher end of the power scale.”

Tessa’s head tilted at the information, and he felt her eyes back on him. He didn’t look at her, but he could feel the anger simmering under her skin as he ran his hand up her spine again.