Then her lips tipped up in a terrifying grin. “You’ve already made me bleed, Theon. What’s wrong with a little more bloodshed?”

Luka coughed from where he was standing nearby, nearly choking on the drink he’d taken.

“Tessa,” Theon said slowly, “we are trying to avoid bloodshed tonight.”


She sounded disappointed in that statement and that was fucking unnerving.

Theon cleared his throat. “Yes, we want as little drama as possible tonight, but I expect there to be various reactions. Not only from the other kingdoms, but from my father as well.”

“Will he draw blood again tonight?”

“Not in front of everyone,” Theon answered, observing her closely.

She only hummed in response.

“I expect the brunt of his anger to be turned on me,” he continued when she said nothing else. “Luka will stay with me, and Axel will retrieve you.”

“Axel isn’t here.”

“He will be at the Pantheon. He will find you.”

“Ah, the Tracking Mark,” she said, pinning him with her violet-grey stare.

Theon shifted under it, wondering if she was intentionally making him nervous about how tonight would go. He couldn’t have that. He couldn’t risk yet another plan going to shit.

He couldn’t handle another failure so soon.

Standing, he straightened to his full height so she was forced to tip her head back to look at him. Pushing past the wrongness he felt about it, he reached out and took her chin. She didn’t react. Not even a flinch. “There is much at stake tonight, Tessa, but more than that, you are in more danger than usual. I have taken every precaution to protect you.”

“How has that worked out in the past?” she asked, genuine curiosity in her tone.

“Tonight will be better.”

She smiled, a coy and knowing thing, and he felt a sharp tingle at his fingertips.

A small spark of energy.

And then he felt the tug of the bond. He’d been keeping it muted all day, giving her space. Trying to let her…come out of whatever this was.

But it wasn’t him who’d freed the bond at that moment.

It was her.

* * *

“This way, my Lord,” the Fae male said, turning and guiding them to their private viewing box. It was up several flights of stairs, the ruling families all having private spaces that ringed the arena below.

Tessa was silent, following a step behind him and Luka. Axel was usually beside him so Luka could walk with her, but Axel still hadn’t shown up. He’d tried calling him all day. Luka had only said it served him right for not answering his phone calls last night.


When the Fae opened the door to their viewing deck, Theon was relieved to find they were the first to arrive. His father would be here soon, and if Axel wasn’t here before him, Theon wasn’t entirely sure how he was going to explain that absence yet.

“Your vials are atop the cabinet should you need them tonight,” the Fae escort said. “Your private server will be along shortly, but in the meantime, can I get you anything else?”

“No. Leave us,” Theon said shortly, already turning away from him.