That’s why Eviana had done the torturing.

That’s why Axel had done the killing.

So many failures.

His shoes splashed in puddles, cold water soaking his socks and shins as the rain continued to pour down, but he didn’t stop. Five calls came though, one right after another. All of them from Luka. Then came a message that played through his earbuds:

Luka: Fucker, answer your phone.

When a call rang through again, he ignored it, turning in the opposite direction of the townhouse as lightning flashed, illuminating the night sky.

* * *

It was after midnight when he stepped into the foyer, water dripping off of him and pooling on the floor. The storm was still raging outside. He could only assume the Fae he’d locked in the wine cellar was raging too.

He shook his head, water droplets spraying. He was exhausted and more than ready to shower, have a drink, and sleep. In the morning, he’d have a clearer head to deal with Tessa. He’d be back in control.

“Luka?” he called out.

“In here.”

Theon followed his voice to the kitchen to find him sitting at the island, a bottle before him with an empty glass.

Peeling off his drenched shirt, he tossed it to the floor. Luka glanced at it before he refilled his glass. “We don’t have someone to clean up after us right now, asshole.”

Theon flinched, Pen’s lifeless face flashing in his mind again.

“Did you…?”

Luka nodded. “I have the ashes in a glass case in my room.”

“Good,” he said, swiping the bottle and tipping it to his mouth as he sat beside Luka.

“Where is she?” Luka asked.

Theon didn’t need to ask who he was talking about.

“In the wine cellar.”

Luka’s sapphire eyes cut to the pantry before fixing on his liquor glass once more. “How long are you leaving her down there?”

“I can’t look at her tonight.”

Luka only nodded, understanding all the reasons those words were true.

Neither of them said anything for a long time, the minutes bleeding into an hour, then two. They took turns drinking from the bottle, Luka having abandoned his glass.

He was sliding the bottle across the counter when he finally broke the silence. “This will break her. She’ll never forgive you for this.”

Theon brought the bottle to his lips, tipping the last of the agaveheart down his throat. “I know.”

* * *

He stood in the pantry, a mug of coffee clutched in his hand. He’d removed the soundproofing Mark, but there was no noise coming from the other side of the door. The sun had been up for at least an hour, the sky clear for once, and he’d been standing here.

Staring at a door.

Trying to figure out what he was going to find when he opened it.