“No,” Theon immediately interjected. “This is the fault of whoever was trying to abduct my Source.”

“And who was that?”

“We do not know yet. Our efforts have been unfruitful so far.”

“So what you are telling me is that instead of making alliances and doing what I have sent you here to do, you have spent your days trying to figure out who is trying to abduct your Source? And not only have you failed at that, but you have released secrets kept by our kingdom for decades?”

“Not that many people know—” Theon started.

“One person knowing is too many!” Valter roared. “Not only that, Rordan knows. Explain to me how the Achaz Lord knowing we have been harboring a Sargon descendant for decades is not a problem, Theon.”

“We will take care of it,” Theon answered immediately.

“Your recent failures say otherwise.”

“I have not failed at anything,” Theon retorted, and Axel tensed beside her. She glanced at him side-long. His features gave nothing away, but his eyes were nearly black, there was so much darkness swimming in them.

“You think I do not have eyes here? That I do not know exactly what the three of you have accomplished while here?” Valter demanded, and Tessa couldn’t help the small flinch as his voice continued to rise. “Not only have you revealed some of our greatest secrets and jeopardized countless relations I have spent decades forging, you have also made us appear weak.”

“How do you figure that?” Theon countered. “Being able to harbor a dragon shifter for decades seems anything but weak.”

“No, but allowing another to publicly interact with your Source does,” Valter said, a cruel smirk curving on his lips as his dark gaze settled on Tessa.

Any remaining blood drained from her face. She was certain she was paler than a spirit of the After right now.

“She was acting on my orders,” Theon said quickly, drawing Valter’s attention back to him. “She is trying to find out information for us.”

Valter’s brow arched. “So you can loan her out to a random Legacy but not your own kingdom?”

“I did not loan her out,” Theon said from between clenched teeth.

“Then explain what was reported to me.”

“I just did.”

“Was I not clear on what was expected of you and your Source?” Valter demanded.

“Yes,” Theon answered. “It is because of your demands this happened.”

Valter scoffed. “She has caused nothing but problems since you brought her home. Perhaps a different choice needs to be made.”

“Killing another’s Source is punishable by death,” Theon snarled, taking a step forward. Axel shifted so he partially shielded Tessa.

“And who hands out that judgment, Theon?” Valter asked with a cruel sneer, darkness beginning to pool around him.

“Killing her now would be foolish,” Axel cut in. “Theon needing to begin a new bond with another Source would be a setback and impede upon our plans.”

“Now you desire to have input?” Valter said, rounding on Axel. Axel reached back and shoved Tessa further behind him.

“I always have input, Father,” he answered. “You simply rarely deign to ask for it.”

A growl came from the Lord, but before he could answer, Theon spoke again. “I think the wise course of action here is to wait until we see what her gifts manifest as at the Emerging Ceremony. If they are not of value, then we can revisit this possible course of action.”


Without thinking, she opened her mouth to question that, but a hand slipped over it before she could.

“Tessalyn, do not speak,” came Luka’s whispered voice in her ear, the entrancing slipping beneath her skin and holding her tongue. Where had he come from?