Theon had no idea what that was, but he liked this side of her.

Maybe she wasn’t as terrible at lying as he believed her to be.

* * *

It wasn’t until after they’d taken the first bites of their meals that Dagian got to the point of this dinner. Honestly, Theon was surprised it had taken him this long. The Achaz Heir wasn’t known for his tactfulness. The kingdom was blunt and demanding, always focused on the present, never the long-game, and it was no surprise the Serafina Kingdom went right along with them. After all, when Devram was created, the god and goddess were set to be Matched. It only made sense that such alliances still carried over in this world.

“About these relations you mentioned previously,” Dagian said.

“I didn’t mention any relations,” Theon countered. “You were the one who brought up building relations.”

Dagian hummed in contemplation, reaching for his glass and making a show of taking a sip. For someone who claimed not to enjoy theatrics, he was certainly dragging this out.

He was cutting into his meat, when Dagian finally continued. “I will admit, I thought relations with Arius Kingdom were a waste of time. You lot always appear to be so…obstinate.”

“Being particular about who we do business with does not make us obstinate,” Theon countered. “It simply means we evaluate our options before making the most lucrative choices.”

Dagian hummed. “That much was made obvious last night.”

Theon glanced at Axel, then at Luka. Their faces were impassive, but when neither of them spoke, it told Theon they didn’t have any idea what Dagian was speaking about either.

“Arius Kingdom has never been one to share outside their own borders,” Lealla chimed in.

“We are more than willing to share for the right price,” Theon countered.

“Not to mention we take in all those deemed unworthy of your esteemed kingdoms,” Axel said, signaling for another drink.

Theon had stopped counting Axel’s drinks after he’d ordered his third before their food had arrived.

“I do find it interesting that you finally venture out of your borders, only to make alliances not with another kingdom ruling family, but with someone else entirely,” Dagian continued. “My father was also intrigued by the news.”

“I don’t know where you’re getting your information from, but there haven’t been any alliances forged outside of our borders,” Theon said.

“And when that information is what I witnessed with my own eyes?” Dagian asked. He’d abandoned his food, settling back in his chair. His golden hair reflected the low lighting of the room, and his features seemed even sharper as he smirked at Theon.

“All right, Dagian,” Theon said, pushing aside his own meal. “You clearly have something you wish to lord over me, so let’s hear it. I’m growing bored with your theatrics.”

“There is nothing I wish to lord over you. I only wish for you not to call me a liar when I witnessed such alliances myself.”

“And what alliance is that?”

“The one with Tristyn Blackheart.”


The male’s last name was Blackheart?

As in Tristyn Blackheart, the elusive silent founder of Lilura Inquest?

Theon recognized the male’s name, but the male himself was rarely seen in public. He was more elusive than the Arius Kingdom, and while Theon knew who he was, many Legacy did not, let alone the Fae and mortals. He was the founder of the company that had single-handedly been responsible for numerous advancements in Devram, from healing compounds to untraceable glamours to studies of wards and Marks, even technological advancements. Lilura Inquest was the company that had created the technology that allowed phones inside the Pantheon. It was rumored that Blackheart himself had overseen many of the advancements, and with access to the company’s glamours, he easily moved among the Legacy, Fae, and mortals without being noticed.

Until Tessa was Selected.

There was no way that was a coincidence.

Just another thing he needed to figure out.

“Why would you think I have an alliance with Tristyn Blackheart? Simply because he was dancing with my Source last night?” Theon asked, his face revealing nothing of the shock he was experiencing.