Dagian only smiled back, and Theon was immediately on high alert. He was already suspicious of Dagian’s insistence of this dinner after Theon had turned down two other requests for meetings in the last week.

Lealla took her seat to Dagian’s right, motioning for her Source to sit as well. When they were all settled, Dagian said, “Are you ready for the Emerging Ceremony?”

Theon huffed a humorless laugh. “Getting right to the point then, are we?”

Dagian shrugged. “Unlike you, I don’t enjoy theatrics. I prefer a more direct approach.”

The male drummed his fingers on the table, light crackling from his fingertips as he did so, and Tessa winced.

Dagian noticed, the corner of his lips ticking up at the small mannerism, but Theon was too focused on his power because he’d seen that same power recently.

At his Source’s fingertips.

“I don’t think there is any need for power bragging,” Axel drawled, downing his drink.

“You know how it is,” Dagian replied. “Have to siphon off that extra power from time to time.”

“Yes, gaining complete mastery over one’s power so young is a feat, but I’m sure you’ll get there in time,” Theon said.

Dagian glared, that power in his palm instantly dying out. “Still an arrogant ass, I see.”

“No need for name calling when I am simply expressing my confidence in your ability to eventually control your gifts enough to not need to siphon off that power.”

“We’ve had the same intense training you have, Theon,” Lealla cut in.

“Somehow I doubt that.”

“Now, now, we aren’t here to argue,” Dagian cut in smoothly. “After all, we are to be working together for a successful Selection year, are we not?”

“Of course,” Lealla said tightly, her Source refilling her already empty wine glass.

“And in the spirit of such things,” Dagian continued, “I was merely making conversation about the upcoming festivities.”

“I am sure we are all looking forward to the Emerging Ceremony,” Theon said. “It is always an exciting time to see the new Fae who will be joining our kingdoms.”

“And, of course, verifying that assessments were correct about our Sources,” Dagian added, taking another sip of his drink.

“Of course,” Theon agreed.

“It provides a means of further…building relations between the kingdoms.”

“And what relations are you hoping to build?” Theon asked, unsure of where the male was going with this.

“We have all night to discuss such matters,” Dagian said dismissively, opening the menu that his Source passed to him without so much as a look from her master. Completely in sync without their Marks. Exactly what he’d wanted to portray about him and Tessa.


Act or not, the pair was certainly convincing.

A hand on his thigh nearly made him jump if not for the years of learning to never show surprise, and he glanced down to find Tessa’s hand there. Without thinking, he was interlacing their fingers.

“You won’t need a menu,” she said. “I already checked on the drive here while the three of you were discussing the proposal from the Celeste Kingdom. They have your favorite.”

“Thank you, beautiful,” he murmured.

Her smile was soft, and again he was forced to keep his shock from showing. Because that smile? It was a real one.

When he looked back at the others, Lealla was already on her phone, no doubt reaching out to the Celeste heir, and he glanced back at Tessa, finding her smirking to herself as she tipped her glass at Lealla’s Source.