“Tessa,” he chided, tugging on the comforter.

“Put some pants on,” she grumbled.

“You’re being ridiculous.”

“You’re being…stupidly naked.”

Another tug of the blankets. “Tessa, come on. I brought you coffee.”

She responded by sticking out a hand with a gimme gesture.


“Theon,” she parroted.

There was an exasperated sigh before the sound of footsteps, and she peeked out to find him gone. Wrapping the sheet tightly around her chest, she reached for one of the coffee mugs on the nightstand, moaning at the taste.

“I have to put on pants, but you get to make those sounds,” Theon said dryly, reappearing from the closet clad in loose pants that hung low on his hips.

“The pants aren’t exactly hiding much,” she said with a pointed look.

“You’re naked in my bed, Tessa. I’m going to be hard,” he replied, swiping up the bowl of fruit and carrying it to the bed with him. He grabbed his own coffee, settling against the headboard, emerald eyes on her as he took a drink.

She cleared her throat. She may have been sleeping in this male’s bed for weeks, but this was awkward. “Stop looking at me like that.”

“I don’t know any other way to look at you.”

“Whatever,” she grumbled, taking another sip of her coffee.

“I let Luka know you’d do training an hour later than normal,” Theon said, bending a knee and resting his arm on it while he drank his coffee.

“Great,” she muttered.

“You understand why this is important, right?”

She sighed. “Yes, Theon.”

“We have a private dinner tonight with Dagian Jove.”

Tessa choked on her coffee, and Theon arched a brow.

“Just us and Dagian?” she asked.

“Luka and Axel will be there. I’m sure Dagian will have another with him, as well as his Source.”

“Why are you meeting with him?”

“He requested it,” Theon answered.

“And you said yes?”

“Is there a reason I should have said no?”

She pulled her knees to her chest, resting her chin on top of them. “I guess not. It’s probably a good idea to appear amicable while attempting to take over the realm.” She could feel him studying her, and she glanced at him when she said, “What?”

“Why are you hesitant about this?”

“About you trying to take over Devram?”