Silence fell for a minute before she said, “Can I ask you something?”

“I won’t stop you.”

“You’re not mortal.”

“That’s not a question,” Tristyn teased.

“How did you make me think you were? Make them believe you were?”

“People see what they want to see, fury.”

“But you weren’t fearful of the Arius Heir.”

His features seemed to darken some. “There are far scarier things in the realms than a Legacy so far removed from Arius it is laughable to call him such a thing. He is no more related to Arius than I am at this point.”

“But he is powerful,” Tessa stammered, a little dumbfounded at his nonchalance.

“There are far more powerful beings in the realms.”

“You speak as if the rest of the realms care about us.”

“You speak as if they don’t.”

“They can’t,” she argued.

“They shouldn’t,” he countered.

Tessa clicked her tongue. “This conversation is getting stupid.”

Tristyn laughed, his fingers giving her hand a quick squeeze. How long had they been dancing?

“Can I ask you a question?” he asked.

She sighed with mock dramatics. “I suppose.”

“How are you?”

She was so taken aback, she missed her next step, Tristyn keeping her on her feet. “What?”

“The last time I saw you, you were not doing well.”

“I was fine.”

“You were not fine,” he said pointedly. “You made an elaborate plan to secure agaveheart and drown in the bottle.”

“I didn’t—” She rolled her lips together, suddenly remembering they weren’t alone on the dance floor. She plastered on a fake smile. “I’m great.”

He gave her a frank look. “You’re a terrible liar.”

“I’m an excellent liar.”

“Mhmm,” he hummed. “Are you with him yet?”

“What?” she stammered at the sudden change of subject.

“Theon. Are you with him yet?”

“That’s not your business.”