“I only break the rules when it’s conducive to my own agenda,” she retorted. Then she added with a small smirk of her own, “And when agaveheart is involved.”

He huffed a laugh as she took a swallow of his drink before handing it back to him.

“We should go dance,” he said, scanning the Fae below once more.

“I just told you I can’t go down there.”

“There’s a dance floor up here.”

“I know, but—”

She didn’t want to tell him that Theon wouldn’t be able to see her on the dance floor in the back corner.

“I’m not as appealing when I’m not a mortal?” he teased, and she felt her cheeks flare bright again.

“That was— I was very drunk that night. I apologize if I offended you.”

“Offended? Fury, I was flattered,” he said with a wink. Then he pushed off the railing, slowly backing away from her. “If you change your mind, I’ll be waiting for you.”

She watched him disappear into the Legacy milling about before turning back to look out at the Fae below yet again, wishing she was down there instead of up here. Wishing she could go have some fun with Tristyn. Wishing she could be anywhere else.

Instead, she had to stay here and watch the people in this room. Listen in on conversations. Learn everything she could. The only person she wanted to learn more about was Tristyn.

She straightened at the thought.

She should learn more about Tristyn. Who was he? He had made not only her believe he was mortal, but Theon, Axel, and Luka had thought he was mortal too. What Legacy power could do that? And what did he do that made him not fear Theon, or any of the other heirs, for that matter? Wasn’t this exactly what Theon wanted her to do? Learn secrets to be used later?

She didn’t give herself time to second guess her decision. Following the same path she’d seen Tristyn take, she made her way to the edge of the dance floor. He said he’d be waiting, and a moment later, he appeared before her with a grin.

“Is this conducive to your agenda?” he asked, extending a hand to her.

“Perhaps,” she agreed, letting him pull her onto the dance floor just as a well-known ballad began to play. “I don’t know how to dance to this.”

“I’ll guide you,” Tristyn said. “Do you know the words to this song?”

“There are no words to this song,” she said with a laugh. “It’s simply a ballad for dancing.”

“See, that’s where you’re wrong.”

“Are you going to serenade me?”

“I am an excellent singer.”

“Prove it.”

Tristyn twirled her under his arm as he cleared his throat dramatically before pulling her back into him and bringing his lips to her ear. “In all things there must be balance. Beginnings and endings. Light and dark. Fire and shadows. The sky, the sea, the realms.”

“That’s not a song,” she interjected. “That’s the Revelation Decree.”

“It is many things,” he countered.

“I don’t know what that means,” she said with a laugh as he spun her under his arm again.

“Shh,” he hushed. “Just listen. It goes with the ballad perfectly.” She nodded in acquiescence, and then Tristyn was speaking low into her ear again. He wasn’t exactly singing, but the tone of his voice was smooth and her entire body relaxed into him.

“In all things there must be balance.

Beginnings and Endings.