“Oh,” was all she said as she tried to push the thought of Dex and her friends being so close while she was stuck up here. She stared into emerald eyes that had scarcely glanced at her lately when she asked, “And where am I to be?”

The corner of his lips curled, a small dimple appearing. “You are to be where I can see you at all times.”

“Am I to stay by your side?”

“As much as I would prefer that, it will appear that I do not trust you if I require that of you tonight. The other Sources will be given extended freedom to show their bonds are settled into place.”


“Do not fail tonight, Tessa,” he said in a low voice, winding a loose curl around his finger.

“I won’t.”

With that, Theon released her, the three males crossing the room to join some other Legacy. Tessa turned to find the other Sources all congregated together around a small table, and she sighed, making her way over. Sasha gave her a small smile, sliding over to make room for her. These Fae were used to being separated from the rest. They’d been segregated since they’d been marked to be Selected. They hadn’t exactly welcomed Tessa, especially with her being an Arius Source, but Sasha was kind enough. It probably helped that they knew each other from the Celeste Estate.

Gatlan, the Anala heir’s Source, looked her up and down before sliding a bowl of pretzels towards her, and Tessa nodded in thanks. The other Sources didn’t acknowledge her, but she knew they were watching her as much as she was watching them.

“How are you?” Sasha asked, grabbing a pretzel from the bowl. She didn’t eat it though. Just began breaking it into pieces.

“Tired,” Tessa answered with a weak smile.

A snort of laughter sounded, and Tessa looked up to meet Jasper’s gaze. “I bet you are,” he sneered, bracing his hands behind his head and leaning his chair back on two legs.

“What is that supposed to mean?” Tessa asked, her head tilting as she watched him. His light brown hair was clean cut, and his brown eyes narrowed on her.

“I was on the same Estate you were, Tessa,” he replied. “I know all about you and your activities.”

“What sort of activities?” Maxson asked, a knowing smirk filling his face.

“She was always finding her way off the Estate to find other company,” Jasper replied.

“I thought she was with that other Fae. What’s his name? Felix?” Dade chimed in.

“Dex. How do you even know about him? He came after you were moved to Eridis in the Falein Kingdom,” Tessa said through gritted teeth.

“I told him,” Jasper offered.

“But I know all about you,” Dade interjected. “The night you were Selected, my Mistress made it a point to learn everything she could about you.”

“I’ve lived a fascinating life,” Tessa muttered, watching as Sasha reached for another pretzel, breaking it into tiny pieces just as she had with the first.

“Just preparing for the life you were destined to have until Arius Kingdom fucked it up,” Jasper said with a cruel smirk.

“Shut up, Jasper,” Gatlan cut in.

“No, it’s fine,” Tessa said, returning Jasper’s cruel grin. “Jasper is just a little jealous.”

“Jealous?” Jasper repeated incredulously, his nostrils flaring as his hands came down flat on the table. “Of you?”

Tessa shrugged, sitting back in her chair. “While you had to stay back like a good little boy, I got to go out and live a little.”

Jasper was suddenly leaning towards her. “You think I’m jealous that you were constantly in Mother Cordelia’s office being reprimanded? You think I’m jealous that you fucked your way through mortals like it was a sport?” he spat.

“I think you’re jealous that the only pussy you’ll ever know is Mahina’s,” Tessa returned calmly. “The gods know you weren’t allowed to fuck anyone else.”

“You little cunt,” Jasper was snarling, and Maxson and Dade were both resting hands on his shoulders while Sasha looked around nervously.

“Do not make a scene,” Sasha hissed, reaching for another pretzel.