He was in front of her faster than she could blink, his hand gripping her jaw, and she winced. Not because he was gripping her hard, but because his hand was hot. “Would you rather be shoved to your knees, Tessa? Forced to take a cock into that smart mouth?”

She jerked back from him. “Theon wouldn’t do that.”

The sardonic smile that filled his face was terrifying. “If you only knew the behavior corrections we’ve witnessed and endured over the years, Tessa. The kinds of things he has saved you from. Things he wouldn’t tell you because he was trying to ease you into this, trying to protect you even in that. From his father. From us. From himself. Sitting beneath a table was a fucking luxury. But I think even if you let him explain himself, you’d still see him as your villain, wouldn’t you?”

Suddenly bands of black flames were around her ankles, and she flung her arms out to keep her balance as her feet were yanked back into place.

“If you move out of position again, those flames will burn you.”

“You cannot be serious.”

Then she yelped when the flames flared for a blink, biting into her skin.

“The two of you are so godsdamn exasperating,” he snarled, once again yanking her shoulders back. “He’s too controlling, and you’re not controlled enough. I told him over and over this would be a disaster. You’re two forces that should repel each other. Fire and shadows. Light and dark. Beginnings and endings. Instead, you’re drawn to each other.”

“I am not drawn to him,” she seethed, forcing her feet to stay planted.

“Refusing to acknowledge something doesn’t make it non-existent.”

“Acknowledge this,” she spat, raising her middle finger.

He opened his mouth to respond, but stopped himself. For a long moment, he just held her gaze, as if searching for something.

Finally, he took a step back and said, “Memorize this position. It needs to become second nature. Every single thing I teach you will start from this position.”

“This is stupid. If I’m being attacked, they won’t wait for me to assume this position.”

“Stop talking back, or you’ll find flames in your mouth, little one.”

Her eyes narrowed. “You wouldn’t.”

“He certainly would.”

She jerked at the sound of Theon’s voice, briefly wondering why she hadn’t felt him approaching, but then she let out a curse as the flames on her ankles singed her skin when she moved out of position again.

And they didn’t stop burning.

“Luka!” she cried, hopping from foot-to-foot trying to put out the flames.

“Get back into position,” the dragon said, crossing his arms over his chest, the dragon fire intensifying.

“I can’t think around the burning!” she cried again, trying to make her feet move, but she hadn’t been paying attention to how he’d constantly arranged her.

“Luka, her eyes,” Theon said cautiously.

“I see them,” Luka replied. “She’s been on that edge for a few minutes now.”

She had no idea what they were talking about, but apparently she found the correct foot placement because the burning ceased. Except when she glanced up, Luka was rolling his eyes, and Theon looked like he was moments away from stepping in.

As soon as Luka removed the flames from her ankles, Theon visibly relaxed. Folding his arms across his chest, he leaned back against the table, his emerald gaze sliding over her.

“This is why Theon won’t be present during training,” Luka said in a low voice from where he stood beside her. “He’ll get over-protective.”

“Then why is he here?”

Luka arched a brow at the question, but instead of answering, he turned to Theon and said, “I wasn’t expecting you for at least another hour.”

“I know,” Theon answered, a hand raking through his dark hair. He still looked tired. Had he truly not slept? “Axel found what we needed.”