She was the last of the Sources to be meeting with the private instructor. She’d learned the Arius Kingdom was always last. Theon had been last to select his Source. He’d been last to receive his drink among the heirs, and now she was last to meet with this private instructor. It hadn’t escaped her that he’d embraced being last. Owned being last by making a statement when they’d entered that state room earlier today.
She’d seen the way the heirs had watched him. Just like he’d told her to, she’d observed them and the Sources. She knew them all, of course, but only Jasper, the Celeste Heir’s Source, and Sasha, the Achaz Heir’s Source, had resided at the Celeste Estate. Dade, the Falein Heir’s Source, had been there for a few years, but when Prudence had started watching him more, she’d had him moved to the Falein Estate.
For hours, she had been forced to sit and listen to the High Priestess and Head Sentinel discuss procedures for the year, what was expected of each kingdom, changes from the previous Selections, and more. Her head hurt from it all, but she’d also watched Theon absorb it all with ease. How many times had he been forced to sit through such things? He was clearly practiced at it, knowing what to say and when to say it. Pointed questions were posed to Sancia and Evander with just enough respect to pass as…well, not pleasant, but acceptable.
Watching Theon here was different all together. She was beginning to realize that he had been keeping parts of himself hidden from her, trying to…make her more comfortable? Lure her into a sense of safety? She didn’t know, but this? This was the Arius Heir. This is what she had been expecting of the Arius Kingdom. Cold-hearted. Cunning.
The heir of darkness, death, and endings.
At midday the Legacy had been served a fine lunch in the stateroom. Afterward, the Sources were provided with sandwiches, an apple, carrots, and water. Theon had taken her outside the Pantheon to eat so he could check things on his phone. Not that Tessa had minded. He’d hardly spoken to her while she sat on a bench, watching the people pass by. A small part of her had hoped she might spot Dex or Corbin, but hoping never did anything for her.
The break was short-lived, but on their way back into the Acropolis, Theon had filled her in a little more on what to expect for the afternoon. They’d be escorted around the Acropolis and the surrounding area where the trainings were being held so they could observe the other Fae at their leisure. The private instructor had also requested individual meetings with each Source to get a better understanding of what needed to be covered. Sasha went first, right after they’d finished lunch, and from what Tessa could tell, it was roughly an hour before she reappeared and Maxson, the Serafina Heir’s Source, disappeared for an hour.
It had been dusk when she had been escorted by a sentinel to one of the marble buildings outside the Pantheon. She could tell Theon didn’t like that she was being separated from him, and who knew where Luka and Axel were.
This was probably why he’d wanted her to have the phone he’d given her.
She hadn’t left it behind on purpose, and she hadn’t lied. It was dead. She rarely used it and often forgot about it. Even when she’d wanted to use it for her phone call with Dex, Theon had made her use his. What was the point of her even having one?
This. This was obviously the point, and she made a mental note to make sure she charged the damn thing tonight.
The sentinel knocked once on the intricate oak door before pushing it open and gesturing for Tessa to enter. With a weak smile, she walked into what appeared to be a study.
And went utterly still.
There was a Legacy sitting behind a large, mahogany desk. Her back was straight, hands folded on the desktop before her. Her dirty blonde hair was pulled into a tight bun at the back of her head. Dark navy eyes narrowed on Tessa, her sharp features already making her disapproval clear.
“Sit, Tessalyn,” the Legacy said, giving a pointed look at the chair before the desk.
“What are you doing here?” Tessa blurted, her feet rooted to the spot.
Mother Cordelia couldn’t be here. She’d known she’d come for the Emerging Ceremony at the end of the week, but Tessa had planned to avoid her at all costs. It shouldn’t have been too hard. Tessa would be up on the private Arius observation deck with Theon and the others. Mother Cordelia would have been on a separate viewing deck. It was perhaps the only time Tessa had been grateful to be a Source.
Somehow Mother Cordelia’s eyes narrowed even more. “Sit down, Tessalyn.”
It was instinct when she scurried to the chair, conditioning from years at the Estate.
From years of being summoned to her private study. That study was nearly as grand as this one.
Tessa sat perfectly still, back straight, hands folded in her lap. Her knee gave a small twitch, her foot trying to bounce, but at the quick flick of Mother Cordelia’s gaze to the action, Tessa forced the movement to cease.
You fidget too much. No Kingdom will want a Fae who draws so much attention to herself, Tessalyn.
That’s what Mother Cordelia would say while a Fae with earth magic would bind her tightly to a chair. So tightly that she couldn’t bounce her knee. So tightly that she couldn’t move an inch.
So she’d learned not to fidget in her presence.
But Mother Cordelia couldn’t punish her anymore, right? Not without Theon’s permission. To use gifts against a Source was an action that would send one straight to the Underground. Which wouldn’t be so bad for Mother Cordelia now that she thought about it…
“This is not where I expected to be seeing you, Tessalyn,” Mother Cordelia sighed, opening a thick folder in front of her. Technology was allowed outside the Pantheon, but Mother Cordelia had never liked computers and tablets. She preferred to dramatically add papers to an ever-expanding file of why Tessa would never be wanted or good enough.
“I’m sorry,” Tessa replied without hesitation. She’d learned long ago to take the blame for anything and everything. Arguing with her only made things worse.
“Yes, well, if the Arius Heir had bothered to observe his options like the rest of the heirs, this could have all been avoided. That Kingdom does like to be difficult,” she muttered.