“Thank the gods. Dex said you called a few nights ago, but it’s not the same as talking to you myself,” the female said, nudging Corbin’s knee so she could take the seat next to him on the sofa. “Are you here yet?”

Tessa glanced at Theon, a clear question in her eyes, and he nodded, giving her permission to share.

“Um, yeah,” Tessa said, tucking her hair behind her ear. “Arrived today.”

Dex appeared on the screen, perching on the arm of the sofa beside Oralia. “Staying at the townhouses, I assume?”

“Mhmm,” Tessa answered.

“What does Dex need to fix for you?” Oralia asked, and Theon’s brow furrowed at the question. Tessa’s cheeks flushed a light pink, and Theon sat up straighter. That relaxed state she’d been in while talking to Lange and Corbin disappeared.

“I don’t think even Dex can fix this mess,” she answered.

The female laughed, a high thing that grated on Theon’s ears. “Sweetie, Dex has been cleaning up after you for nearly five years now. You should know better than to doubt him.”

A weak smile appeared on Tessa’s lips, and she cleared her throat. “Is Brecken around?”

Oralia rolled her eyes. “He’s still chasing after Kat.”

“He’s always been persistent,” Tessa mused, seeming grateful for the change of subject.

“That he is,” the female agreed. Then she tilted her head, looking up at Dex. “I suppose you want to monopolize the rest of her time?”

Dex smirked, taking the phone. “Best friend privileges.”

“Whatever,” Oralia grumbled, sitting back against the sofa.

Dex’s attention refocused on Tessa, and Theon pushed to his feet. Tessa watched him, confusion in her eyes, but he moved to the closet, unbuttoning his shirt as he moved out of her sight. He could still hear everything though, and the placement of one of the mirrors in the large closet allowed him to still see Tessa.

She sighed, tipping her head back against the sofa.

“You’re not strong enough for this, Tessie,” Dex was saying.

“I know, Dex,” she whispered. “Oralia was right. I’ve never been able to fix my own shit, and this… I need you.”

“I know, Tessa,” he answered, and now Theon was more than curious. This Fae didn’t know her nearly as well as she claimed if he was telling her she wasn’t strong enough.

His shirt hanging open, he crossed his arms over his chest and leaned against the wall, watching her in the mirror.

“I know it is hard for you, but you have to curb that impulsiveness,” Dex was saying. “It will only get you into more trouble.”

“I’m trying, Dex,” she answered.

“Try harder.”

She nodded mutely, and Theon’s jaw nearly dropped. Who the fuck was this docile creature?

“Lighten up, Dex,” came one of the other male Fae. “She doesn’t need your deprecating shit right now.”

“You know what happens when she loses control, Lange,” Dex retorted.

There was a snicker. “Yeah. Shit gets a lot more exciting.”

“You call it excitement. I call it another thing I have to take care of.”

And Tessa winced at the words.

A godsdamn grimace.