“They didn’t just pick a Guardian,” Luka said. “Some tried to replicate it and force such a thing, but it never worked the same. The Guardian Mark had to be agreed to by both parties, or it wouldn’t function as it was created to.”
“And it was created to…?”
“The Guardian and the Ward’s lives became connected. The Guardian could sense when their Ward was in danger, and the bond created required the Guardian to do whatever was necessary to protect their Ward, even if that meant giving their own life,” Luka answered. “That is why it did not work when forced. When forced, the Guardian could, and often did, become resentful of their Ward. But when the Guardian chose the Guardian Mark and subsequent Guardian Bond—”
“Wait, Guardian Bond?” Tessa interrupted. “Like this Source Bond thing?”
“Source bond thing,” Theon repeated dryly.
She gave him a simpering smile. “Don’t pretend your feelings are hurt. I have made it perfectly clear how I feel about this Source bond thing.”
Theon clenched his jaw but didn’t say anything else.
“The Guardian Mark creates a bond of sorts. As I said, the Guardian can sense when their Ward is in danger and is driven to protect them,” Luka said into the tense silence.
“And this was incorporated into the Source Marks how?” Tessa asked, scrolling down on the document.
When no one spoke, she glanced up to find the three of them looking between one another.
“For those who believe I have a lot of secrets, you lot certainly seem to have a lot of your own,” she said casually.
“If you’d accept this bond, I could share all my secrets with you, Tessa,” Theon said.
“Right. Before you can trust me, I need to blindly trust you and accept the bond. Got it.”
“Tessa,” Theon sighed, running his thumb and forefinger along his brow.
“What is the theory of how this was incorporated in the Source Marks?” she asked.
“It—” Luka started.
“Luka…” Theon warned, causing Tessa to glance up again.
“She deserves to know, Theon. She should know.”
Theon began to say something, but Tessa cut him off. “I don’t deserve anything, Luka. You should know that by now.”
“Tessa, we’re trying here,” Theon said.
“No, Theon. Luka is trying. Axel is trying. You are just demanding. Much like your father.”
The vehicle fell quiet, all the males going still. After a long, tense moment, Tessa put her earbuds back in, closing out of the document and shutting the laptop. She’d closed her eyes, leaning her head back against the window when an earbud was plucked from her ear. Theon was leaning over her, but before she could snap at him, he spoke first.
“How much do you know of the Marks, Tessa?”
“When this all started, you told me you didn’t know as much as the other Sources. That you hadn’t been prepared for what’s happening like they were.”
“Because I haven’t been.”
“So what do you know?”
“There are four Marks.”
“Do you know what each of them does? The order they are given?”
She blinked at him because she didn’t know. She knew what the Marks would do, but not the order or which ones would do what.