“A mortal is never going to touch you again,” Theon snarled, his hand stilling. “I’ve told you this.” Tessa rolled her eyes, and he gripped her jaw, forcing her to look at him. “No one else will ever touch you in such a way again, Tessa. No one.”
“Then I guess it’ll be me and my own hand for the rest of my miserable life, Theon. Because if you think you’ll ever fulfill such needs for me, you can go fuck yourself,” she spewed, and the bond shot a jolt through her body that had her arching into him and wincing at the pain.
Theon stared at her, seeming to search for something in her eyes. “Little storm,” he sighed.
“Don’t call me that,” she sneered.
“Is this life really so bad? To be cared for? All your needs provided? Do you truly hate the three of us that much?”
“I don’t feel the need to respond to that. The fact that I made such an elaborate plan to sneak out and get drunk to get away from all of you should be clue enough. The fact that if I hadn’t known you’d come for me in less than an hour, I would have absolutely gone to Tristyn’s room with him should be answer enough,” she retorted.
Theon’s hand came down beside her head, slamming into the mattress, and Tessa froze, her eyes widening. “I have been incredibly patient with you tonight, but if you make one more reference to anyone else touching you, you will not like the consequences.”
She clenched her jaw, forcing herself to hold her tongue. She was suddenly too tired to fight anymore. For a brief hour, she didn’t have to pretend to be something she wasn’t. Trying to force herself back into that role now was too exhausting, and she had nothing left.
“Can we call a truce for tonight and continue this verbal sparring match in the morning?” Theon finally asked. “We need to be up in a few hours, and you are not going to be feeling well.”
“Hopefully I’ll still be drunk,” she muttered under her breath. Theon pushed off of her, grabbing her hand and tugging her to her feet. He began leading her around the side of the bed, and Tessa stumbled as the room spun around her. He steadied her before he pulled the blankets back.
“I’m still not sleeping next to you in just a shirt,” she insisted.
“I hear you, Tessa,” Theon replied, gently pushing her down so she sat on the edge of the bed. “I will sleep in the armchair.” He lifted her legs up into the bed.
“You will? Why?”
He helped her lie down before leaning over her, his face hovering inches from hers. “Because despite what you seem to have convinced yourself of, it is more than a bond, Tessa.” He brushed a soft kiss to her cheek before pulling the sheets and comforter over her.
She watched him cross the room and lower himself into the armchair, stretching his legs out in front of him. With a huff, she rolled over so she wouldn’t have to look at him, and she prayed the agaveheart and lull-leaf would be enough to keep her nightmares at bay.
Tessa woke to the blankets being ripped off her as Theon said far too loudly, “Rise and shine. We need to go.”
She pulled the pillow over her head and tugged her legs up to her chest, curling in on herself. Theon’s shirt bunched around her thighs, and she groaned as she realized she had no pants or underwear on and now no blankets.
“Tessa, get up,” Theon said again, and she heard him moving around the room. Something bounced on the bed, and she peeked out from under the pillow to see a bottle of water lying beside her.
How long had she been sleeping? It couldn’t have been that long. She was pretty sure she was still somewhat drunk. She pushed herself up into a sitting position, and the room tilted. Definitely still drunk. Grabbing the bottle of water, she twisted off the cap, taking a big gulp.
Theon came out of the bathroom. He was in jeans and a long-sleeve thermal. He started to say something, but stopped when his eyes landed on her sitting in the middle of the bed. His gaze roamed over her, and she glared at him, twisting the cap back on the water bottle.
“I need clothes,” she rasped, her mouth too dry.
“I was just going to get them,” he answered, crossing to his bag and stuffing the clothing he held inside. “I did not expect you to be awake yet.”
“You woke me up.”
“Yes, but you drank half a bottle of agaveheart. I thought it would be more difficult to rouse you,” he replied, zipping the bag shut.
“I didn’t drink half the bottle,” she retorted with an eye roll. “Tristyn drank some of that.”
He stiffened at the mention of Tristyn and yanked the duffel bag off the small table. “I packed all your things other than your toothbrush. It is in the bathroom,” he said tightly. “I will be back with your clothing.”
He wrenched the door open and stalked through while Tessa took another drink of water. Glancing at the clock, she found she’d been right. She’d only slept for two hours…which meant even as a Fae, there was still plenty of alcohol in her system.
She groaned when she pushed to her feet, steadying herself against the bed. Her stomach lurched. She usually slept through this part of the hangover.