“Touch her again, and you will find out just how protective we are,” Theon said darkly, and Tessa looked up to find shadows wisping across his eyes.
Tristyn took a step back, his features losing the playful nature she’d experienced moments ago.
“I assure you, Tristyn, I am fine,” Tessa said, and Theon’s fingers dug into her waist. “Have a good night.” She looked up at Theon, biting her bottom lip nervously.
He spun her so her chest was pressing against his, and his hand came up to her face, his thumb pulling her lip from her teeth. “We have so much to discuss, beautiful,” he ground out.
“So I’ve been told,” she answered tightly.
His gaze dipped to her lips. “So mouthy tonight,” he murmured.
“So possessive without Felicity to talk to,” she crooned back.
“You have no idea how possessive I can be, Tessa.”
“I think she has a pretty good idea,” Axel murmured from behind them.
Theon turned to him incredulously. “Are you trying to get me to punch you tonight?”
Axel shrugged, unfazed. “I am simply saying the entertainment you two have provided in the last half hour has been better than the Chaosphere game, and that was an epic game. I have missed this. Can we go back to it?”
“Axel,” Theon growled in warning.
“No, I’m with him,” Tessa interrupted. “Do I get a vote?”
“No,” Theon snapped, whipping his head back to her. “You need to stop talking. That mouth of yours has gotten you into enough trouble this evening.”
“Weird. I hardly said anything for almost four hours,” Tessa drawled.
“Tessa!” Theon barked. “By Arius, what is wrong with you tonight?”
“You two are causing a scene,” Luka interrupted, and Theon seemed to suddenly remember they were indeed standing in a public hotel lobby. Tristyn was looking back and forth between them, a slight smirk on his lips as he observed their exchange.
Theon started leading her to the elevators, and Tessa couldn’t help herself. She knew it was a bad move, impulsive one might say, but she looked back over her shoulder, her gaze connecting with Tristyn’s. She winked at him. “Older brothers, am I right?” she said with an eye roll and a jerk of her thumb at the three Legacy. “Maybe I’ll see you around, Tristyn.”
“Do you have a death wish?” This time it was Luka chastising her as Axel’s brows rose in utter shock.
Tristyn visibly relaxed, and that flirty grin from earlier returned. “I’m staying here for a few more days. Room 608,” he called after them.
Theon turned to say something to him as the private elevator opened, but Luka and Axel both pushed him inside. Tessa stepped from Theon’s grip, leaning against the back of the elevator wall, and as soon as the doors closed, Theon rounded on her. And because she was apparently all out of fucks to give, Tessa smirked up at him.
“I kind of wish we had snacks for this show,” she heard Axel mutter to Luka from where they stood against one side of the elevator.
“For the love of the gods, stop talking, Axel,” Theon spat.
“Perhaps you should sleep on everything that has happened tonight, and deal with it in the morning, Theon,” Luka cut in, shooting a pointed look at Tessa. She read the warning in it, the order to stand down, and she huffed, crossing her arms over her chest.
The elevator doors opened with a soft ding, and Theon stepped to the side to let her pass, never taking his eyes from her. As soon as they entered the suite, Theon strode straight for the liquor in the minibar.
“Go to bed, Tessa. I will deal with you in the morning.”
Deal with her.
Such a hassle.
Such an inconvenience.
“Sure thing, brother,” she retorted, spinning on her heel to retreat to the primary bedroom.