
“I was going to say cliché, but sure, we can go with accurate,” she said, her smile growing as he dropped onto the sofa beside her. He wasn’t close enough to touch her, but he was close enough that she forgot about the shit her life had become for a moment.

“So what’s the real story, Tessa? Have a date tonight?” he asked, settling into the sofa and draping his arm along the back.

“You’re incredibly forward,” she remarked, angling her body a little more towards him.

“One would assume that if you are dressed like that,” he gave her a pointed look, “you were at a rather important event. Since the Opening Selection Ceremony is over and not held in the Arius Kingdom, the odds of you being at said function alone are slim to none.”

She let out a small huff of laughter. “I was at a function, and I was not alone. But it was not a…date or whatever,” she admitted, glancing at Axel, who was still at the front desk.

Tristyn followed her gaze. “With him?”

“No. I mean he was there. Kind of. He stayed in the vehicle.”

“He stayed in the vehicle?” Tristyn repeated, his brow furrowing. “Why?”

“It’s rather complicated.”

“You are incredibly vague and hard to get information out of,” Tristyn remarked, steepling a finger along his temple as he watched her.

“What information are you trying to get out of me?”

“At the risk of sounding even more forward, I am trying to work out if you are with someone,” he answered, that grin kicking up again.

“You are asking if I am Selected or bound to someone?”

He frowned. “No, Tessa. I am asking if you are involved with anyone. In a relationship. There is no union Mark or other symbol of commitment…”

He trailed off, and Tessa dropped her gaze. A mortal wouldn’t understand the Source Marks, so it made sense he didn’t recognize the one that marked her skin. “I am not involved with anyone, but—”

“You are going to tell me no before I even get to ask? That is mighty presumptuous of you,” Tristyn said, leaning in a little closer and a mischievous smile growing.

She smirked at him, enjoying their banter, but before she could open her mouth to say something in reply, Theon’s voice drifted to her.

“This looks cozy.”

Tessa lurched back from Tristyn, her eyes flying up to meet emerald ones as she shot to her feet and nearly tripped in her heels. Luka and Axel flanked Theon on either side, their arms crossed over their chests as the three of them stared at the man still seated on the sofa.

“Ah,” Tristyn said, rising casually to his feet. He was obviously unconcerned with the fact he was a mortal and they were Legacy, and Tessa couldn’t help but wonder if he knew he was speaking to the Arius Heir. “This must be the ‘but’ part of your statement.”

Tessa swallowed hard as Theon’s stare slid to her. “Don’t go quiet now, Tessalyn,” he bit out. “You were quite chatty a few moments ago.”

She shook her head, not daring to glance at Tristyn.

“We were just talking,” Tristyn said, his hands sliding into his pockets as he rocked back on his heels. “Nothing more.”

“Tessa,” Theon said tightly.

She took a deep breath before turning to Tristyn, finding concern etched into his warm russet eyes. “It was nice to meet you, Tristyn. Have a good night.”

She turned to walk toward the elevators, but a light grip on her elbow had her pausing. More than that, the touch had the cord in her thrashing because it wasn’t Theon who was gently holding her in place. His gaze darted to the three Legacy before settling back on her. “Are you all right, Tessa?”

And oh gods, what it did to her to have someone actually care about her wellbeing just because he was a decent person had her blinking back tears. He wasn’t asking to ensure that she was in prime condition. He was asking because he was genuinely concerned for her. A complete stranger that she had only met a few minutes before cared simply because she was breathing, and not because of a dormant power he would one day be able to tap into.

The possessive rumble that came from Theon had her swallowing down all that emotion as she brought her fingers up to gently brush across Tristyn’s hand on her elbow. She forced her voice not to tremble as she replied lightly, “That’s kind of you, Tristyn, but yes. I am fine. They are simply a little…protective.”

Theon pulled her from Tristyn’s grip, his arm sliding around her waist and tugging her into his side. She could tell from Tristyn’s face he didn’t believe her, and he stepped forward again, reaching for her hand.