“Tell me about yourself,” Theon said, taking a drink of his liquor.

Felicity flashed him a pretty smile as she set her wine down. “I was born and raised in Raven Harbor. My father is of the Gracil bloodline, but my mother is of the Rai bloodline.”

“Your father is the governor of Raven Harbor,” Theon said, having learned all these details from the file his father had put together.

Raven Harbor was their port city located at the mouth of the Night Waters where the small river of dark water met the Asning Sea. No one knew why the waters of the Night Waters turned dark as the night sky when they flowed east from the Fractured Springs, but they returned to the blue of the sea the moment they met with the Asning.

“He is,” Felicity answered. She shifted, flipping her hair over her shoulder. “I have two younger sisters as well.”

“Will they be at the Acropolis with you?” Theon asked.

“No. They will stay back. They will attend the next Selection year,” Felicity confirmed, sipping her wine once more.

“And if you and I are Matched, who takes over for your father when the time comes?” Theon asked.

For a split second, Felicity’s smile faltered, but her bright smile was back in place a moment later, and she answered, “Whomever my middle sister, Eleanor, is Matched with.”

“You are upset by that?”

“Of course not, my Lord,” she answered quickly. “It would be the greatest of honors to be your Match.”

Before Theon could ask another question, Tessa shifted beside him, drawing his attention to her. “Are you all right?”

Tessa nodded, but Theon could see her white knuckles as she clenched the arms of her chair. He reached over and pried off the hand closest to him, intertwining his fingers with hers. The cord sparked between them, and she visibly relaxed a touch.

Felicity asked, “Are you looking forward to the Selection rounds this year?”

“I attended the last Selection with my father,” Theon answered, trying to shift his focus back to her, but the bond had other ideas. He found his thoughts wandering to the lack of undergarments beneath the dress Tessa was wearing. He cleared his throat. “He will not be attending the entire year, as he has other matters to tend to. He has entrusted the task to me and my younger brother.”

The server returned to take their orders, and he ordered an herb-crusted steak for himself and a shrimp pasta dish for Tessa along with salads. She had tried to tug her hand back, but he’d tightened his fingers around hers. She clearly needed this, whether or not she wanted to admit it.

When the server left, she said, “I need to use the restroom.” He moved to stand, but she tsked under her breath. “I am simply going to the bathroom. Stay and visit with Miss Davers.”

“Ten minutes, Tessa. Do not make me come looking for you,” he conceded, but he didn’t like it, especially not after everything she’d been put through today. He watched her make her way across the restaurant.

“It is admirable how much you care for her,” Felicity commented, finally drawing his gaze back to her. If she was jealous or feeling slighted by the lack of attention, she didn’t show it.

“She is my Source. I take care of what is mine,” he replied, grabbing his glass and taking another drink.

“Out of duty or because you care for her?” Felicity questioned, bringing her wine back to her lips.

“Can it not be both?”

“It can be, but is it?” she asked, with a tilt of her head.

“Are the Fae at your family home taken care of out of duty, or because you care for them?”

Felicity shrugged. “There are a few I am fond of,” she answered. “I think we all have favorites when it comes to those who serve our families, but I would say the Fae are cared for primarily because it would be an inconvenience to have to care for ill Fae or find replacements.”

“Fair enough,” Theon conceded.

“But,” Felicity went on, “I can only assume it is different with a Source and the bond. What is it like? Having a Source?”

“I do not think I can accurately answer that seeing as we only have the first Mark,” Theon answered, glancing at the time. Tessa had six minutes left.

“What has it been like so far?” Felicity pressed.

“Very different from what I thought it would be,” he admitted. “And I do not know if that is simply because we are not completely bonded yet, or if it is because of something else.”