“If you need the comfort of the bond at any time—”

“I won’t,” she interrupted, sitting up straighter. “I’ll be fine. I will figure something out.”

He reached up and gripped her chin, forcing her eyes to his. “Tessa, you told me earlier the Source bond is helping. Are you going to try and tell me that is not true now?”

“I am telling you that I know what type of behavior is expected of me, and I will not do anything that may result in me possibly spending the evening sitting at your feet,” she retorted.

Axel glanced back over his shoulder, quickly looking forward again. They were clearly listening to their conversation.

“That...” He paused, forcing himself to take a deep breath. She had yet to let him explain his reasoning for the events of that dinner. They’d been too busy struggling for the upper hand ever since. “We will finish these discussions later,” Theon finally said, and Tessa crossed her arms.

The rest of the ride was silent, a tenseness emanating from the backseat that even had Luka and Axel holding their tongues. When they pulled up to the restaurant, Theon got out and reached for Tessa’s hand. As she stepped to the curb beside him, he leaned down to whisper, “Behave.”

She frowned up at him. “What, exactly, do you think I am going to do?”

Theon arched a brow as he escorted her into the elite restaurant. “I never know what you are going to do. It is infuriatingly intriguing.”

The hostess informed them Felicity was already there and waiting at their table, leading them through the restaurant to the back. As they approached a table, a place setting was being added on a second table that had clearly been brought over to go with the table for two.

A beautiful female with shining chestnut brown hair stood as they approached. Her brown eyes held a warmth Theon hadn’t been expecting, and her dress was tasteful. There wasn’t an overt amount of skin on display, but what was on display was golden-tan, suggesting she had spent lots of time in the sun this summer. That made sense since she lived in one of the Southern cities of the kingdom. She was a few inches taller than Tessa, and she bowed deeply to him.

“Heir St. Orcas, it is an honor,” she greeted, her voice as warm as her eyes. She stood and stepped forward, her hand outstretched. “Felicity Davers.”

“Theon,” he replied, taking her hand in his and squeezing it. His other hand was still on the small of Tessa’s back, and he ushered her forward. “This is Tessa, my Source.”

“It is a pleasure,” Felicity said, reaching to shake Tessa’s hand. “Your dress is stunning.”

Tessa smiled politely but didn’t say anything in return, for once appearing to remember how a Source was to act in public.

Felicity returned her attention to Theon. “I hope I did not overstep, but they did not have a place set for your Source. I know the bond is new, and I did not think you would want to be too far from her, so I arranged for another table to be brought over.”

She was watching him somewhat nervously, clearly unsure whether she should have interfered. Theon was more surprised than anything. He hadn’t expected her to think of his Source at all. To be honest, he had anticipated her trying to flatter and seduce him in an attempt to worm her way into a Match contract. But she actually seemed…pleasant.

“That is very considerate of you,” Theon answered. “Thank you.”

Faint color flushed along her cheeks, and she cleared her throat softly, clasping her hands in front of her.

“Sit,” he said, gesturing to the table.

Her eyes widened. “Oh, I could never sit before you, my Lord.”

“I insist,” Theon answered, ushering Tessa to the table. He slid into his own seat across from Felicity before he added, “You as well, Tessa.” She nodded, slipping into the seat beside him, and he could almost feel her relief at being off her feet.

A server appeared instantly to take drink orders. He ordered himself a whiskey on the rocks, and Felicity ordered a glass of wine.

When the server turned to Tessa, she glanced at Theon. “I would love a glass of wine tonight,” she said tentatively.

“I do not think that would be wise. Not after the day you have had,” Theon answered, returning his attention to his menu.

“Water please,” she replied tightly to the server, who nodded and left to get their drinks.

“Have you been unwell today?” Felicity asked, directing the question to Tessa.

Tessa glanced at Theon again, and he stepped in. “She had some assessments done at the health compound today,” he explained. “The assessments can be intense, and she has slept most of the day. It is why we needed to change this meeting from lunch to dinner.”

“My goodness,” Felicity replied, her hand fluttering to her chest. “We could have rescheduled for another time, my Lord. The health of your Source is more important than this dinner.”

Theon sat back in his seat as the server placed his drink down in front of him. This was unexpected. The Legacy notoriously cared little about the Fae. Fae were servants, created by the gods to serve a Legacy’s every whim and desire. Rarely was their comfort considered.