“Explain that,” he said darkly.

“You are correct. She did not display any magic. That should not have been possible. We used our strongest methods, my Lord.”

“Then why didn’t it work?”

Zefira seemed nervous as she glanced at Tessa’s still sleeping form. “Because she is strong, my Lord. She is undeniably powerful. Whatever element she emerges with, she will, without a doubt, be the most powerful Fae with that element.”

Theon was silent as he processed that news. It didn’t matter what element Tessa emerged with, she would be the most powerful. Even if she emerged with earth magic like his father clearly feared she would, Tessa would be stronger than Eviana.

“If the tests you performed today are the strongest ones available, why were her assessments at the Estate able to predict the air element?”

“They didn’t. Not in the way you are thinking,” Zefira answered. “I reviewed the reports sent to me to prepare for today’s assessment. While her results tended to be mostly air and wind, those are just estimates. I pulled up the detailed reports of her past assessments. She never actually exhibited any magic like we normally see. The results in her records were our best guesses based on performance. Her lineage is unknown. We cannot even factor in genetics at this point.”

His brow furrowed. “What do you mean her lineage is unknown? She came from one of the Sirana Villas. I have documents that name who sired and birthed her. Her lineage played a role in why she was Selected.”

Zefira shook her head. “Based on what I have seen today, those are not accurate, my Lord. The two listed as her sire and dam would not have produced someone this powerful. It would simply not be possible. ”

“Are you saying her documents were fabricated? Why?”

The Priestess glanced down at Tessa once more before meeting Theon’s gaze again. “If I had to guess, it was done to hide her in plain sight.”

Theon let that knowledge sink in, turning it over in his mind. Fae offspring were closely monitored, both those born in the Villas and those born to Fae serving other kingdoms. For Tessa to have been hidden among them…

But by who? Someone who clearly knew how powerful she would end up being.

Then another thought occurred to him.

Had Tessa known this entire time? Had she truly been hiding her abilities? She could get past wards with ease. She had appeared truly shocked when she was Selected, as if she’d never thought it in the realm of possibilities.

His father had been right.

She was keeping secrets.

“So what you are telling me,” Theon said, “is that she could, essentially, emerge with any of the elements? One is no more likely than the other?”

“Correct, my Lord,” Zefira answered.

A soft moan came from Tessa, and his eyes snapped to her. “Do not send the report to my father,” he commanded Zefira. “This type of news should be delivered in person.”

“As you wish,” she said with a bow of her head. “She will be in some discomfort as she wakes.”

“Can I touch her?”

“Yes. The Source bond will help ease that discomfort, I am sure. I will have Rhett fetch her some water. I healed her, but her throat will still be parched from the screaming,” Zefira said. “Do you need anything else?”

“No,” he answered, grabbing Tessa’s hand.

Zefira left him standing beside the bed, and he heard her summon the Fae back to the room. Rhett soon appeared, a cup of water with a straw and a damp cloth in hand.

“I can clean her up some for you,” he said, his eyes downcast.

Theon nodded, wanting to take care of her himself, but knowing that such a thing would appear odd to everyone in here. He may clear her dishes, serve her food, and give her freedoms in their rooms, but that could never carry over into the outside world.

He watched as Rhett gently wiped the damp cloth down Tessa’s face and neck before cleaning as much of the vomit from her clothing as possible. When done, he left and returned with a fresh cloth, laying it across her brow.

“Do you need anything else, my Lord?” Rhett asked, stepping back from the bed.

“No, but stay close.”