Six years ago
“You’re here,” my sister-in-law Maggie breathes, moving toward me with a huge smile. “I’m so glad you’re here, Abel.”
I don’t think I’ve seen her so happy before, throughout her marriage to my brother, Andrew, they have suffered a lot of losses. Maggie has always wanted to be a mother, for as long as I’ve known her, that’s all she’s wanted. She’s amazing with kids and works in a preschool. Once she and Andrew got married, they started trying straight away. Fifteen years later, seven miscarriages, one stillbirth, and four failed rounds of IVF later, they’re done.
The pain and suffering that they have gone through is something I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy. But somehow, they both do it with a smile on their faces and are always upbeat.
“Don’t tell me,” I say as I let her pull me into the house. “Andrew’s somehow managed to get you to renew your wedding vows?” I joke, and as expected she laughs. “So tell me, what’s the big secret that you wanted to tell me that couldn’t wait?”
She pulls me into the living room and ushers me to sit down.
“Where’s Andrew?” I ask her.
She rolls her eyes. “Jeez, Abel, calm down and just be patient.”
I chuckle. “Okay, mom.” Andrew is ten years older than I am, and even though we’re not that close, we both still love and respect one another. Him marrying Maggie was the best decision he ever made. The woman is perfect for him.
A few minutes later and I see Andrew strolling into the room, wearing a grin like he’s just won the lottery, behind him is a beautiful woman with curves that are out of this world, thick thighs that would be fucking amazing wrapped around my waist and deep brown eyes that look as though they see through my soul. Christ. My cock twitches at the sight of her. She’s tiny, a itty bitty thing that’s stunningly beautiful. Damn. I’ve never felt such an instant attraction to anyone the way I have with this woman.
Who is she, and can I get her number?
Maggie walks over to the woman and slips her arm around her shoulder. “Abel, this is Alexis.”
A stunning name for a beautiful woman.
Before I’m able to introduce myself to her, Andrew’s words have my world tilting and my fucking stomach dropping. “She’s our daughter.”
I blink hard. “Daughter?” I echo, wondering how the fuck that happened and what the hell I’m missing.
“Sit, honey,” Maggie says softly to Alexis who moves toward the couch and takes a seat beside me. “Yes, she’s our foster daughter. We applied to be foster parents but didn’t say anything in case it didn’t happen. We got a call last week that Alexis needed a home, and here she is.”
I’m rendered speechless.
“Hi,” Alexis says softly to me, holding out her hand for me to take. “It’s really nice to meet you. Maggie and Andrew have told me so much about you.”
Fuck. Even her voice is fucking amazing. Husky, a little pitchy, but down right sexual.
I take her hand, and electricity runs through me, she pulls in a ragged breath, and I know that I’m not the only one that’s feeling this. “Alexis,” I say, her name rolling off my tongue. “It’s a pleasure to meet you too.”
She grins at me, her cheeks heating, and she pulls her hand back. The moment she does, I feel bereft. Fuck. What the hell is happening to me?
Maggie and Alexis leave the room to go get drinks for everyone.
Andrew pushes his hands into the pockets of his jeans. “Don’t be angry that we never said anything—”
“I’m not angry,” I say, cutting him off. “I get why you kept it a secret. I’m just worried. What’s going to happen if Alexis has to go? You’ll both be devastated.” It would be another loss. What they’re doing is commendable, and I have the utmost respect for foster parents. It’s something that I couldn’t do. The thought of growing close and loving a child and then that child having to leave? No. I’m too damn selfish for that.
He sighs as he takes a seat on the armchair. “We’ve spent the last few years thinking about our next steps, and we both agreed that fostering was the right decision for us. There’s a lot of kids out there that need good, safe, foster homes while their parents are unable to care for them. We could offer them that.”
I nod. “You could, I just don’t want you two to be hurt.” It’s been a fucking long fifteen years for them both.
“I appreciate that, Abel, Maggie, and I wanted you to be the first to meet Alexis.”
Christ. “What’s her story?” I ask, trying to keep the interest I have in her out of my voice.