I wondered if she would even recognize me. I looked nothing like I did when I was a little girl. My platinum blonde hair had dulled down to a straw-like color. My face had narrowed out some. My eyes, while still the same shade of blue, looked heavier and sadder than they did when I was a carefree pre-teen.
Yet, somehow, I knew that if she saw me, she’d recognize me. I’d recognize her, too. We were sisters. We had the same face. Even though I hadn’t seen her for nearly a decade, I knew Violet like I knew my reflection.
“Aster?” Jack’s voice brought me back to the surface.
I shook my head. “Sorry. Zoned out for a second there.” I looked down at the food in front of me. Thinking about Violet had ruined my appetite. Still, I knew I had to eat. Hauling merch around was a tiring job. I needed all the energy that I could get.
“You okay?”
“I’m fine.” I forced a forkful of pancakes into my mouth.
Jack sucked in his cheeks. “That’s a crock of shit. But because I’m determined to learn from my mistakes, I’ll back off. For now.”
“That’s a first.”
“You know what’s a first? Me being in the same bed as a beautiful girl and not having sex with her.”
“And the award for gentleman of the year goes to...”
“I’m serious, Aster. You’re fucking stunning. You’re hands-down the most amazing girl I’ve ever met.”
I couldn’t help myself. I laughed out loud.
“What?” Jack furrowed his brow.
“You’re a celebrity. You’ve been in the same room as models and A-list actresses. And you think that I’m the most beautiful girl you’ve ever met? Really? Now that is a crock of shit.”
“Why is it so hard for you to believe that I like you, Aster? That I’m attracted to you?” Jack leveled his gaze on me. His blue eyes did not waver for even a microsecond. My heart thundered in my chest.
“I just...”
I didn’t get to finish my sentence.
Jack leaned forward. He cupped my jaw with his hands. He tilted my chin up and carefully leaned over the food between us. Then, he kissed me.
Let it be known that kissing Jack Maverick was like having a bagel at Sue’s café—I was forced to denounce all other kisses that I’d had before it. He tasted like strawberries and black coffee, and he moved with a natural rhythm. His lips were soft and commanding as they moved against my own.
My hands found his chest as his teeth grazed my lower lip. I moaned.
A burning need formed in the bottom of my gut.
But before either of us could escalate the kiss into something greater, a knock came at the door. Coming to my senses, I shoved Jack away from me. My body felt like it was on fire, every nerve ending sparkling with electricity. I breathed heavily.
Jack gave me one last smoldering look before turning his attention to the door.
“Who’s there?” Jack called.
“It’s Ava! And I’ve got a delivery for my foot up your ass.” Ava’s muffled voice shouted back. “How dare you go behind my back!”
“Shit.” Jack straightened up. “Alright, Ava. I’m coming.”
“To the door, I hope.”
“Jesus, woman.” Jack walked to the door and opened it. I brushed my fingers through my hair, hoping to make myself look like less of a wreck.
Ava marched into the room. She immediately looked in the little trash bin next to Jack’s nightstand.
She’s looking for a condom, I realized, mortified.