I know for a fact that they're all here today and I'm excited to see all of them. My family and friends have become my whole world.

“It’s almost time.” Emma takes my hands and smiles up at me. “Are you ready?”

With one last glance in the mirror, I see myself as an unmarried woman, well aware that the next time I look at myself, I’ll be married to the man of my dreams. With a bright smile, I nod my head.


“Good, because you hesitated, and I was getting worried for a second there.” Emma laughs and I can’t help but giggle with her. She’s so outspoken, funny, and wonderful to be around.

She hurries off, ready to get moving as I lift my hand and look down at my ring. He'd really outdone himself with this and the proposal. If I close my eyes, I can still remember exactly what he'd done.

He'd brought me here to show me this place, the huge glass and metal church with the weeping willows all around. The graceful drooping branches a beautiful green backdrop, and the green grasses and wildflower meadow wave gently in the sweet-smelling breeze.

I'd been staring up at the church in awe, only to turn and see he'd gotten down on one knee.

“You're the woman I want to spend every sunrise beside, enjoy every sunset with, and give every moment of my life to. I want you now, tomorrow, and forever, if you’ll have me. Will you marry me?” And with that, he'd opened the ring box.

I'd been so stunned, all I could do was stare.

I could tell that the rings were supposed to represent exactly what his proposal said. In the center, a round diamond rested. On the bottom, a crescent-shaped diamond glittered, nestled into the center stone, and on top, a delicate band of stars glittered in the brilliant sunlight. The center stone seemed huge, yet when he slipped them on my finger, they fit perfectly and didn’t feel too big at all.

“This is beautiful,” I whispered, knowing I needed to answer him. “Yes. Of course, yes. You’re the man of my dreams, Troy.”

Even now, as I open my eyes and peek out the door, squinting in the sunshine and inhaling the sweet air, I can’t imagine being happier. As my father takes my arm and walks me toward the front doors of the church, my heart settles into a comfortable rhythm.

I feel joy, calm, and ecstatic excitement, the feeling that my life is exactly where I want it to be and is going perfectly overtaking me. I'm such a mess of emotions as I cling to my father. But one thing rises above all else... I'm happy.

I know this isn't a mistake. I know that Troy is the man I want to spend the rest of my life with.

Was he always perfect? Absolutely not. But neither was I. Has he made mistakes? Sure. Who hasn't? Is he the right man for me? I don't have a drop of doubt in my soul that he is the man of my dreams.

As we step over the threshold of the church, I see people turning to look at me. Their stunned expressions aren’t enough to keep my eyes off Troy as I approach, the soft swell of music rising as he turns to look at me. Behind him, our friends smile, standing up straight and looking amazing in their tuxedos.

But I only have eyes for Troy.

The look on his face burns into my memory; that expression of excitement, joy, love and maybe a little bit of a worry that maybe this moment is just a dream.

As I walk up next to my husband-to-be and my dad lets my arm go, quickly planting a kiss on my cheek before fading away, I stare up into Troy’s eyes.

“You’re stunning.” He mouths the words.

“Not bad yourself.” I mouth right back.

A grin toys with the corners of his mouth. I know I should be paying attention to the words that are said, but I cannot take my eyes off of him.

Right here, right now, in this church, in front of everyone we know and care about, we're about to promise our lives to one another.

It's a promise that we're both going to keep, I have no doubt about that.

As I think about how perfect my life is, I can’t help but think of the good that has come from the bad. Like the fact that all the guys that got in on that bet gifted us a hundred thousand each for our wedding gifts. Like the fact that Lyla is on the right path. Like Emma’s all-in, making up for lost time attitude. Like this moment, where I can look back at my past and how broken I’d been by James and now I can see how whole I am with Troy by my side.

There have been a lot of things in my life that have tried to break me, ruin me, drag me down.

And yet here I am, standing tall, happy, beside the man of my dreams.

A year ago, I might have told you this couldn't possibly happen for me. Heck, I wouldn't have believed that this could happen for me.

But now? Now, I have no doubt that my life is going to turn out exactly how I want it to.