“How so?”

Her smile grows. “I don't know that I'm ready to be a stepmom.”

I can't hold back a chuckle. “Don't worry, it won't be a lot of work.” Being able to make light of the situation feels really good and takes some of the sting and pain out of the past. I don't know that I'll ever get over losing my daughter, but I will find a way to move forward. And maybe now that I know that she knows the truth, things might change.

No doubt it's going to be a lot harder for Lyla to refuse to let me be a part of Emma’s life. Now that Emma is old enough to potentially say that she wants me to be a part of her life, her rights supersede her mother’s want for me to not be there.

While I know there's no way to make up for lost time, I can only hope that things are going to start looking up for the first time in a long time.

Everly laughs. “I'm not sure I'd count on that because now you have somebody else in your corner, and now that I understand what ‘she knows the truth’ means, I know that Emma will want to meet you. And she’s going to love you.”

Hearing those words come out of her mouth surprises me. Could she possibly be right? I thought that maybe Emma might want to meet me, but I haven't dared allow myself the thought that she might actually want me to be a part of her life in a more in-depth capacity.

Not that I wouldn't want that. I would absolutely be over the moon if she wanted to start spending time with me and getting to know me.

“Oh, you hadn't considered that, had you?” Everly strokes my cheek, then kisses me gently before backing off a little bit. My hand comes away from her throat and I continue to ponder the bomb she just dropped on me.

“No, I hadn't, but I absolutely love the idea.”

“You want to be a part of your daughter's life?”

How could she even ask me that question? I stare at her in stunned surprise. “Of course I do. All I’ve ever wanted was the chance to be her dad.” As I say the words, it feels like something's wrapping around my windpipe and squeezing.

Her face lights up. “Then let’s do what we can to make that a reality.”

I need to caution her. “Legally, I have no recourse. Trust me, I tried.”

She shrugs her shoulders. “The law isn’t the only way to get things done. Give me a minute.” With that, she leans back, pulls out her phone, makes a call, and stands up, pacing the living room as I watch, loving her more and more every second.

“Hi!” She brightens right up. “I know, Lyla told me! Are you okay? That must have been so scary.” I see her expression shift into one of sympathy as she talks to whomever it is on the other line. Then her eyebrows knit together, and anger narrows her eyes. “Wait, wait, wait. Lyla said what?”

She avoids meeting my gaze as she continues to pace back and forth, but I'm listening with interest, wondering what exactly I'm missing.

“No, I was right there. She told him. He is not allowed to go anywhere near her. Apparently, there's a court order or something.” She hesitates for a second, nodding her head as the person on the other end of the line speaks.

“Uh-huh. Oh! Okay. I told you he's absolutely on board and willing and always has been, but Lyla has refused to let him.” She hesitates again, her teeth worrying her lower lip as she continues listening. “No, she lied to me about all of it. She said that that's her niece. It sounds like she never told anybody the truth.”

She hesitates again, still listening. “I could put him on the phone if you'd like.”

A moment later, she walks over, offering me her phone. “Lyla’s sister, Kate. She’s the one who takes care of Emma.”

I take the phone, noticing the slight shake in my hands. “Hello?” I can only hope that they can't hear my nerves through the phone.

“Hi! This is Kate, I’m Lyla’s sister. I hear that even though I asked for you both to come here today and talk to Emma, that Lyla told you not to come?”

I nod my head. “That is correct.”

“Well, I'd like to inform you that Emma would like to meet you. She found out the truth about her parents and wants to know where she comes from. If that’s okay with you.”

My heart begins to pound dizzyingly fast. “I would love that. I've wanted to meet her for a very long time.”

I hadn’t seen her since she was tiny, now she’s nearly thirteen; old enough to decide she wants me in her life regardless of my lack of visitation rights. One thing is for sure, I’m not the man I was twenty-three.

I can hear Kate smile through the phone as she responds. “Great! Let me get your number and I will text you, and we will figure out a day and time that works for you. How does that sound?”

“Absolutely wonderful. We'll be in touch.” With that, I pass along my information before handing the phone back to Everly, who takes the device with a smile and speaks to Kate for a moment.

“Of course! It's no problem. My pleasure. Okay, bye now.”