Behind her, Everly lets out a chuckle. “He didn't let me in. I slipped in behind you guys. It’s neat that you're trying to blame him for something you didn't do, though.” She sounds thoroughly sick of her friend's bullshit, and it's hard for me to blame her.
I've had Lyla in my life long enough that I am also tired of all the things she tries to pull.
“He should have noticed you slipped in and should have kicked you out. And you shouldn't have snuck in. This is none of your business.” Lyla shakes her head and rolls her eyes as Everly crosses her arms.
A huge part of me wants to walk out and leave the room right now, but the rest of me wants to see how this pans out. Is Lyla finally going to accept some responsibility for her hand in things or is she going to forever continue to blame me for everything she has done?
Obviously, I already know the answer; there's no way she's going to take responsibility. I don't know that she's capable.
“I don’t even want to talk to you guys.” With that, Lyla throws her hands up and walks toward the door. She turns to face me for a moment and glares. “And I don’t want you to come. I don't care what they said. You stay away.”
Her words, though expected, still pierce me like a thousand arrows as she opens the door and leaves. I guess some things never change. Not that I expected this to be any different than it always has been.
I'm not sure what to say to Everly, so I merely nod at her, then open the door, following Lyla out but turning toward the bar instead. There, I find my friends, obviously flustered.
Arson slaps me on the back as I sit at the bar beside him. “Everybody came over here because we weren't quite sure what to do after you left.”
I nod my head in response while gesturing for a drink. The cute bartender smiles at me to acknowledge my order and grabs whiskey and a tumbler.
“Again, I'm sorry for my part in things. I had no idea that Lyla was so batshit crazy.” Arson takes a drink of his beer, staring down into the glass as if it’s a crystal ball with all the answers.
“I don't blame you, man. This isn't on you.” I don't want him to feel responsible for her actions. He was just a pawn in her game, same as I was all those years ago.
He nods, then slips off the stool. “Catch you later, okay?”
As he says the words, I agree, taking my drink with a thankful smile at the bartender. He’s gone in a moment, but Konan scoots over to take his place. I expect him to want to talk, but instead we sit in silence, staring down into our drinks for a few moments.
“I think I'm going to ask Everly out now that she’s had some time to cool off.”
I take a drink of my whiskey. “That’s none of my business.”
Do I like the thought of him asking her out? Not at all.
You know, honestly, I'm not sure I have the headspace to deal with whatever he's doing and with what's going on in my life right now. I'm not sure how to manage Lyla's endless anger toward me. I hate what she's willing to imply and the things that she's willing to accuse me of with no proof. What else is she going to barge in here and try to force me to admit to even though I didn't do it? What else is she going to hold against me and hold over my head?
I'm tired of her trying to punish me and hold me accountable for things I didn't do when she's actually the bad guy in our story.
All those years ago, when we were young and dumb, she’d wound up pregnant. And she’d hidden the pregnancy from me, until Emma was born, then she’d hit me with child support, because we’d separated before the divorce was finalized. And the first time I’d seen my daughter, Lyla tried to hide her from me.
She’d claimed I was an abusive drunk, that my time at the club made me an unfit parent… and she won. I was denied visitation, but ordered to pay child support – which I don’t mind; it’s important to me that my daughter be taken care of. What matters is that Lyla gave Emma to her sister to raise and kept the lion’s share of the child support for herself – a fact I know because of an offhanded comment Kate, Lyla’s sister, made about scraping by even with the support payments.
No matter how many lawyers or how much money I threw at the case… I couldn’t win. I guess Lyla thinks that now, after all these years, I must have tried to kidnap my nearly teenage daughter.
I also hate the thought of her trying to poison people's minds against me. If people are going to hate me, I want them to do it because I actually did something, not because somebody lied and made something up.
“I was only kidding.” Konan’s voice is quieter than usual.
“No worries, man.” I don't really care what he does or doesn't do. If Everly wants to date him, then she has my blessing, even though she doesn't need my approval. She is free to live her life the way she wants to live it and I have absolutely no say in that.
“So why was Lyla being crazy? What’s with accusing you of kidnapping her niece? That’s pretty insane.” He sounds thoughtful, and I’m not sure how to respond.
“No, you nailed it. She's crazy.” Maybe I shouldn’t speak ill of her, but if I can’t tell the truth, what can I do?
He nods. “I have known people like that. Throw everything at the wall and see what sticks, cause chaos... they’re exhausting.” He lifts his drink to his lips and I follow suit.
“Don't let her get to you. People like that... it's not your fault.”
“Thanks.” I appreciate his vote of confidence, even though none of it really matters. No matter what everyone thinks, no matter if I feel like it's my fault, she’s going to continue being this person and trying to ruin my life.