But that doesn't mean I'm not going to try.

“I can't make those promises, Everly. Like it or not, I'm in too deep and at the end of the day, I need to be able to sleep too. And I won’t be able to rest easy if I throw away what I feel for you. This spark between us, it’s not about a bet. It’s not about money. There’s something...” I gesture between us, “here, and we both know it.”

For a moment, her expression softens. Then she hardens again.

I can see the hurt in her eyes, and I know that this whole situation has deeply wounded her. Guilt courses through me. This wasn't how I expected things to go, and this certainly isn't how I wanted it all to happen. I hadn't even considered the ramifications of her finding out about the bet. I hadn't considered how she'd feel, learning that I'd bet on whether I could get her into bed. Of course, I also hadn't considered that I’d wind up feeling deeply for her either.

“I don't want you to lie to me and tell me that you have feelings for me. You were trying to win a bet. That's all there is to it.” There's a softness to her words, but a quiet steel under them.

“That's where it started, but that's not where it is now. Like I said, I feel a spark between us, I feel something that’s more than money or sex.” I don't know how to make her understand what I'm trying to say, but I know that what I feel between us is not about money or sex. There's some deeper pull, and I want the opportunity to explore it. If this is the real deal, the big L word, I want to be sure, because I won’t be able to sleep at night thinking that I might lose the best thing that’s ever happened to me.

“No, you decided that that's what it was between us when you made that bet. You don't get to tell me it’s more than that now that you’ve been caught.” The way she says the words tells me this isn't just about me; this is about someone else. Someone that likely made promises and told her pretty lies to keep her on the hook - her narcissistic ex, maybe.

“I'm not him. Don't punish me for what he did to you.” As soon as the words leave my lips, I see her expression harden further, and I see the fury in her eyes.

“Don't make this about him. You did this. You lied. You made a bet. You decided to use me for personal gain. This isn't about anyone other than you and your actions.” With that, she slips her shoes on and storms toward the door.

I walk alongside her, not wanting to stop her from leaving, but wanting her to slow down and listen to me. “I'm sorry. I never meant to hurt you.”

She stops moving, facing me with an annoyed expression. “And it wouldn't have if I never found out about it. But that's still pretty awful of you, don't you think?”

I know exactly what she's saying, that I never expected her to find out, and thus I never expected her to get hurt. “I screwed up and I'm sorry. I just hope that you can give me another chance. Because what I feel for you... I think it might be real, and I don’t want to lose you.”

She stares at me for a moment, as if considering my words before stepping past me and out the door.

Chapter Fifteen


All I can hear is the sound of Lyla’s voice laughing in my ears as I leave the club.

Even though Troy gave me a ride to the club, I'd rather not be in a vehicle with him right now. He’s too persuasive of a talker and I want to believe the sweet, seemingly genuine words he's saying. Thoughts of our passion and encounter last night keep flashing through my mind, partnering with Lyla’s cruel laughter.

My cheeks sting as I leave the front door under a slight nod of the bouncer.

I'd be lying if I tried to say that Troy wasn't the best lover I've ever had. The way he touched me, talked to me, looked at me, everything felt perfect and right, and in that moment, I could almost imagine falling for him. Which makes this morning's revelation all the more painful.

“Hey, let me give you a ride home.” I glance over my shoulder in time to see Konan lightly jogging in my direction. “Don't worry, I'm not going to make a move or ask you out. I just want to get you home safe.” I have to wonder if the reason he said those words is written on my face or if everybody just knows what happened between Troy and me already.

“I'd appreciate that. Thank you.” Getting a ride home would definitely be better walking because while it's only about a fifteen-minute drive, walking and navigating the neighborhoods between here and there would be dangerous and difficult.

He leads me toward his high-end sports car - I’m not a car person and couldn't say what the make or model is, but it’s certainly sleek, shiny, and looks expensive - and he opens the passenger door for me.

I thank him with a smile and slide into the seat, watching the front of the club as I see Troy open the door and watch me go. I can see sadness in his expression along with frustration and wonder if he doesn't like seeing me with Konan. I don't really care what he thinks or how he feels right now.

I can't believe it was all a bet. It was a farce, a sham, a scam. All he wanted to do was get in my pants so that he could increase his already staggering wealth. And to what end? What's the point? When you have as much money as these men have, why do you need every little bit more? I can't imagine he would have won an amount that would make any real difference.

“Where am I going?” Konan asks as he clicks his seat belt home.

I give him the address of the dog park and he arches an eyebrow at me. “Safe. Good move. Not because I'm in danger, but because not everybody's a good person.” His completely disarming smile has the corners of my lips curving slightly. He really is charming. Too bad I feel like my heart just got ripped out and stomped on.

Most of the drive is in silence, although he does attempt to make small talk at certain points. Part of me wants to just come right out and ask what he knows, but I also know that I don’t want to face the truth... or maybe I can’t accept that people know.

I like to consider myself a private person, especially when it comes to my personal life, but Troy just completely blew all of that out of the water.

When Konan parks his car near the dog park, I thank him softly and get out, relieved that he kept his word and didn’t hit on me or ask me out. When I'm on the sidewalk, he pulls away from the curb with a slight wave and I wave back. Instead of heading toward home I head into the park, hoping to get that rush of dopamine from meeting a friendly doggo or two.

I'd expected to feel completely heartbroken. Instead, I just feel sick to my stomach and numb. Sure, there's an ache deep in my sternum, like someone squeezing it that makes it kind of hard to breathe. But mostly I just feel numb. I really like Troy, and I thought he was a better person than this.