“We know that he is not standing here shrieking at someone in the middle of a restaurant like a crazy person.” As Hunter says the words, he downs a deep drink of his beer, his eyebrows lifted comically high.
“You need to leave.” The restaurant manager puts out both arms like a goalie tending the net, as if he can corral her toward the door and get rid of her.
“Don't you touch me!” Screaming, she begins to move away from the manager’s approach. “I'll tell the cops you assaulted me.”
“I'm sure you will, darling, and you're absolutely welcome to call them after you're outside.” The restaurant manager sounds like he's tired of her attitude, and I don’t blame him.
They all watch her get shuffled toward the door, swept out like yesterday's trash before they turn to me.
“What was that all about?” Sandra asks.
“Why does she think you have anything to do with her niece? Who even is her niece? Have we met her?” Thea glances at Blake, who lifts a shoulder in a clear indication he has no idea about anything she’s asked.
“I can't believe I'm asking you this crazy of a question, but did you have something to do with her niece running away?” Rico arches an eyebrow as if even he doesn't understand his words.
“I didn't have anything to do with her niece running away.” I can feel them all leaning into my quiet words, as if trying to figure out what's going on behind them.
I take another drink of my whiskey before deciding to just down the rest of the glass. When it's empty, I study it in my hands, turning it slightly so the light catches it and refracts back at me.
My heart is heavy as I speak the truth, because that old adage that the truth shall set you free is bullshit. “And she doesn't have a niece.”
Chapter Twenty-one
I don't think they have any idea that I am at the front door of the restaurant.
Now I have ducked completely out of sight, watching as Lyla is ejected from the place. Moments later, I see Troy come out and get in his car. I’m quick to get back to my car and follow. Without missing a beat, Lyla is hot on his tail too, but something tells me that’s planned.
As soon as they both take off, I follow a bit slowly behind them, hoping that they don't notice me.
After a moment, I know exactly where they're going - Club Red.
I can't help but wonder why he'd take her there; he has to know that she's following him. I was standing at the door, and I didn't hear them make any plans to meet up. Maybe their relationship goes deeper than I ever thought. For some reason, that idea has a pang in my stomach and a slight pain that twists my insides.
Could he have been dishonest about their relationship all along?
Even though that thought hurts, I can't imagine it's true. I don't think that he's that kind of dishonest. Even the bet he came clean about, to him it wasn’t a that big deal. For rich people, money, bets, excitement, those things are regarded differently from people who don’t have everything.
But still, I can't help but worry that maybe he wants her to go there for the reason Club Red was invented. Obviously, logic tells me otherwise, but I can't help that little bit of my brain that worries.
He pulls into Club Red's parking lot and parks. She finds another spot, and I slip in and head to a back corner where I’ll hopefully be unnoticed.
When he gets out of his car, she's immediately out of hers, chasing him down, yelling, throwing her hands around even though I can't make out her words. She's clearly furious, but he's somehow as unflappable as ever.
I can't help but wonder what's going on. Why is she accusing him of helping her niece run away? None of it makes any sense.
Only when they head in the front door do I slip out of the car and make my way across the lot, hoping not to be noticed.
The bouncer at the front door eyes me for a moment, then nods his head, allowing me to pass.
I managed to get through, I continue onward. I catch sight of the two of them arguing as they move through another door. I hurry to catch up, going past all the moaning couples with their bodies writhing in excitement.
I slip through the next door in time to see them go into a private room. I make a mad dash for the door and catch it right before it closes, pinching my fingers between the door and the frame. I can already hear the yelling at each other inside, and I slip in, sliding along the wall toward a dark corner as he faces the bed while she faces him, yelling about how she always knew he’d try to get even with her.
Get even with her for what?
The more tidbits of information I learn, the more interesting this whole situation becomes.