I kneel beside the bed, burying my face into the material between her legs, inhaling her sweet scent, my mouth watering and ready to taste her. My fingers gently roll and tug her nipples as I impatiently push her bra up and out of my way, giving me better access to her.

Her hips tilt as if inviting me deeper and I growl, the sound filled with want, desire, and desperation as I try to figure out how to get her skirt out of my way without letting go of her pebbled nipples. I hear her whimpering, the sexy moaning sounds only heightening my desire as I nuzzle into her sweetness.

Then, I feel her hands on mine, pressing me flat and I let go of her. Pulling back, I rock onto my toes and study her as she sits up, her cheeks bright red as she adjusts her bra.

“We should not have done that,” she says, unable to meet my gaze as she plants both hands beside her hips on the bed and stares to the right of us. “You’re just so hard to resist.”

“Likewise.” Now isn’t the time to remind her that I don’t see things her way, that I don’t think we should be held back by Lyla, working together, or the lies Everly tells herself to create distance between us. She has every right to say no, just like I have every right to disagree.

“I want you.” Her gaze finally meets mine and I nod.

“I want you too.”

“But I worry it’ll cause problems for both of us.” She sounds as if she means the words, and I carefully stay neutral.

I see her weakening, leaning in as if to kiss me again. And I know, in that moment, if I pushed, she’d let me in. She’d let me take her, bring her to pleasure, and I’d win the bet.

But I’m not sure I’d feel good about pushing after she’s said no.

What’s the fun in winning a bet so easily?

The challenge, the push and pull, watching her slowly change her mind and decide that she really does want me only adds to the sense of victory I’ll feel when we finally do take things all the way. The more I want her and have to wait, the more intense our encounter will be.

Everly is going to make me work for it.

That’s a new feeling for me, and it’s one I’m coming to enjoy.

Earning her affection, attention, and desire is a challenge I can’t wait to overcome.

“Have a good night, Everly,” I say, reaching out to run my thumb along her damp lower lip. I see the heat in her eyes intensify, and it takes every ounce of my self-control to stand up and walk away.

Chapter Thirteen


After my really close near miss with Troy, I've been careful to avoid staying at his place again after that first night. My cheeks still sting every time I think about how close I'd come to letting him do anything he wanted to me... and I’d wanted him to.

It's been a week, and his office is looking amazing.

I've bumped into Konan and Hunter a few more times and both have asked me out in their charming ways, but I’ve turned them down. And now, as I'm sitting at home, getting ready to head back over to Troy’s place to work on his office, I find myself humming a little tune as someone knocks at my door.

Without hesitation. I stand up and head to the door, still preoccupied with the plans for the day.

But when I pull the door open, my heart stops beating in my chest.

“James?” He might be the last person I expected to be standing on my doorstep, but I guess I shouldn't be surprised. As easily as he discarded me, I should know he'd be willing to come back and upend my whole life all over again.

He offers me a sickening smile that makes my stomach churn. “Hello, Everly. I've missed you.”

I have no doubt those words are a complete lie, The only thing he would miss is having me as a backup plan, and all of the supply he would get from me: all of my affection, all of my attention, all of my love. Because James is not capable of legitimately missing someone.

“You're not welcome here, James. I was very clear about that.” I'm at a loss and unsure what to do, and I'm just hoping that there's no chance he'll actually physically hurt me. Every drop of saliva in my mouth dries up and it takes everything I have to not slam the door in his face. The only reason I don't is because I'm afraid he'll escalate.

All at once, I wish I did as he tries to push his way into my home.

“Don't be like that, baby.” There's something sickening in his expression, in the tight little smile he gives me as I try to push the door closed on him.

“You need to leave right now.” I swore I'd never let him abuse me again. I swore that I'd never let him get his way. I promised myself that I would never be at his mercy ever again.