As the screen goes black and my reflection stares back at me, I try to figure out what to do next. Is this my ex stalking me? Did I somehow manage to pick up a new stalker? I do seem to be acquiring a following of men from Club Red. Maybe there’s something going on with that?
My phone rings again and I jump, then answer Troy’s call.
“I just wanted to apologize for grabbing you and pulling you close today. I have no right to put my hands on you.” His apology right out of the gate is refreshing.
“You're right. But you have nothing to apologize for, and I'm not holding it against you.”
“I don't like seeing you in distress or seeing you upset.” Again, he's just being straightforward and that does something funny to my insides. Being spoken to as an equal, feeling that he's taking some interest in how I feel and wanting to respect my boundaries leaves me wondering if maybe he’s not as bad as I once thought.
“I don't like feeling vulnerable in front of men because I'm so used to them trying to take advantage of that.”
I hear him inhale on the other end of the line. “Did someone threaten you today? Do you need protection?”
His serious questions leave me fluttering inside. I don't want to be some weak damsel in distress. I don't want a man to feel like it's his job to protect me, but the fact that he wants to has a profound effect on my heartbeat and my breathing.
“No one threatened me today and I don't think I need protection, but thank you.” I don't want to give him any more answers or ammunition than I already have, but I do want him to know that I am appreciative that he noticed something was wrong and that he's reaching out and trying to fix his actions. I also appreciate his offer of help, even if I don’t think I need anything. The thought and intention mean a lot.
“If you do, I hope you know that you can reach out to me. I want you to be safe, and if that means hiring a personal bodyguard to follow you around, I'll do it.”
I can't hold back a smile at the thought of some hulking man following me around, keeping me safe from the invisible boogeyman that I'm afraid of. Because again, I have no proof that someone is actually doing something. The phone conversation could have been one of Konan's friends pulling a prank on him. Maybe he told someone about the date and that date found my number and decided to play a game or something.
“Thank you, Troy. I appreciate the sentiment. Have a good night.”
“You too, Everly.” Something about the way he growls my name leaves my mouth dry and my heart thundering.
Chapter Twelve
I know for a fact there's more to the conversation she had on the phone earlier than she was willing to tell me.
I meant every word I said. I don't like not knowing what's going on for one, and two, I don't like the feeling that she could be in danger. Wandering through the workspace that is my office around ladders and toolboxes, equipment and boxes, I think about how it's going to look when it's done and continue thinking about Everly.
Something really bothered her earlier. One of the things I don't understand is why I care. The whole plan was just to sleep with her; there's no reason for there to be any deeper feelings or meaning to our interactions.
But I can't seem to shake this need to protect her. The confusion has me running circles in my own mind, and I don't like the indecision that it causes. Trailing a fingertip along a box, I lift my head and glance up at the ceiling. This space is going to look completely different, just like my life after having Everly in it. She somehow managed to walk right in and turn everything I thought I knew upside down, and then she's just going to walk out like nothing ever happened.
At least, I think that's her plan. And I have every intention of making sure that she doesn't just leave. The question is, what do I do next?
As if the universe is answering my question, my phone rings and I know before I even glance at the screen that it's her. My heart stumbles a little bit in my chest, and I answer the phone quickly.
“Hello again.”
“Hey, sorry to bother you so late.” She sounds contrite and unsure why she's even calling me.
“You’re never a bother, Everly. What can I do for you?”
She sounds unsure of her words and hesitant as she speaks. “The crew is going to get started really early in the morning and it's already really late. I was wondering if I could just crash over there tonight?”
“That would be absolutely fine. The guest room is ready to go.” I'd be lying if I tried to say I wasn’t internally doing a happy little dance.
“Thank you, I'll be there soon.” With that, she ends the call and I try to calm the storm raging within me. This is the moment I've been waiting for, the moment that I know I'll be able to seduce her, win this bet, and satisfy my craving for her.
Now all that's left is to wait. Wait for her to arrive. Wait to see how things pan out between us. Wait to see what her mood looks like when she gets here. After all, it’s entirely possible that she's using this as a way to deepen things between us as well. As many times as her mouth says no, her body has said yes, and so have her eyes. I'm not about to force her. If she says no, obviously I'm going to stop. But if she says yes, I’m not going to turn her down.
A few moments later, I hear a knock at the door and wonder if she was sitting just outside in her car. I let her in, and she offers me a soft smile as she walks past into the hallway. “I really appreciate this, thank you.”
All at once, two things come together in my mind. The phone conversation where she'd asked me to stay on the phone until she got home safe. The conversation she'd had today, where she seemed to feel very unsettled, and the fact that she's here now. Is she here because of her flimsy excuse of wanting to be up first thing in the morning and the crew gets here? Or is she here because she doesn't feel safe being alone or at home?