“Look, you're not worth all this trouble. If you're not interested, I'll go find someone who is. It’s not like it's hard for me to find dates.”

With that scathing, stinging comment, the line goes dead and I stare down at my phone, confused and wondering what the heck just happened, who I was speaking with, and why they were messing with me the way they were. Maybe it was just a prank call. Or maybe it was something more nefarious. But why?

Whatever the truth may be, I'm absolutely confused and want answers.

As I stand there, staring down at my phone, those hurtful words continue circling round and round my mind. I'm not worth the trouble. Why does that sound exactly like something that my ex would say? Of course, a comment like that would be followed by the silent treatment. Then it would be followed with a period of love bombing where he tried to make me feel like I was the most perfect woman in the world.... before he said something awful to try to break me again.

I turn around and come face to face with Troy, who is eyeing me with a concerned expression. “Is everything okay?” Usually when someone asks me that question, it's easy for me to give a flippant smile and an affirmative response. This time though, for some reason, my breath catches in my throat and I almost choke on a noise that's dangerously close to a sob.

I take a deep breath to get a handle on myself and nod my head, feeling furious tears stinging my eyes. I don't know why I'm upset; I don't know why I want to cry, but I feel so helpless and beaten down all of a sudden and it makes me wonder if I’ve somehow managed to find another awful human being who won’t let me go without a fight. How do I always seem to attract the worst possible guys? What am I doing wrong? What's wrong with me?

One thing is for sure, I absolutely can't talk to Troy right now. I don't want him to see me vulnerable. I don't want to be in a position where he feels power over me. I swore I'd never put myself in that position again, and with quick steps I rush around him.

But Troy catches me easily with one arm and pulls me close, holding me tight as he whispers softly into my ear. “You're okay. No one can hurt you here. I won't let them.” I feel his fingers petting through my hair, his other hand stroking my back as he speaks softly, the way someone would talk to a frightened animal in their care.

And though it feels good to be held like this and to be treated this way, I know that I need to escape. I know that being vulnerable puts me in a bad position and I am not about to let someone take advantage of me. I'd like to think that Troy isn't the kind of person who would take advantage of me, but I also thought that James wasn't someone who could do something like that in the beginning of our relationship together. He'd seemed so perfect at first, until it all fell apart.

“I'm fine,” I whisper, before pulling out of Troy’s grasp. He lets me go, making sure that I have my feet in balance before totally releasing me. It's a tiny gesture that makes me feel good, but I don't trust anyone right now, especially not myself. Without another word or even a glance in his direction, I head back toward work, my heart and my head spinning.

Only once I've reached the safety of my own home at the end of the workday do I allow myself to break down in peace. Again, I can't pinpoint why I feel the urge to cry or why this helpless feeling is coming over me. Maybe there's something about whoever reached out to me that just puts me back in a position of feeling like I'm with James again, powerless, out of control and primed for abuse.

I slide down my door and pull my phone out of my pocket. With trembling fingers, I dial Rico’s number.

He answers halfway through the first ring, and I swallow hard, hoping that my voice will hold as he speaks. “Hello, Everly.”

“Rico, can I get Konan's number from you?”

I feel him hesitate on the other end of the phone as he inhales. “Certainly, but I want to warn you to be careful.”

Part of me wants to ask why he feels that I need to be careful, but part of me is afraid to ask the question. Instead, I nod my head and scan my kitchen, trying to ground myself.

“I'll be careful.” I'm not saying the words so much to make him feel better, but more to remind myself. I don't want to get sucked in by Konan's charisma and charm, and I know he has both in droves.

“I'm not saying he's a bad guy or that he's dangerous, just that you need to watch yourself.” Rico’s warning leaves me curious to know more, but again, I brush off what he’s saying and push forward.

“Thank you.” I appreciate that my friend's husband is watching out for me and wanting to keep me safe. When he finally gives me Konan's number, I thank him again and hang up the phone.

With trembling fingers, I dial the number.

“You’ve reached Konan Dark. What can I do for you?” The second I hear his voice, I know this is not the same person that I've just spoken with on the phone. Panic takes over and I almost hang up, but instead I decide not to.

“Hey, Konan, we met in the park. I’m Everly.”

“Oh, hello. Are you calling because you've considered that date and now know I’m your soulmate?” The light chuckle at the end of his words has me smiling.

“Not so much. I'm more curious if there's somebody who might want to play a prank on you.” Maybe that's all it is. Maybe one of his guy friends played a harmless prank on him.

“What kind of prank?” He sounds intrigued and lofty at the same time, somehow.

With every word, every change of inflection, I become more and more certain that he is not the person I just spoke with on the phone. “Well, I just received a phone call from a blocked number that claimed to be you. Of course, I knew it wasn't you because they were lacking all of your suave charm, and I guess that can't be replicated. But I just kind of wanted to give you a heads up that maybe someone might be trying to interfere in your love life. I'm not sure why someone would want to do that. But I thought I might reach out and warn you.”

“Isn't that interesting?” He sounds less amused, but still every bit as charming as ever. “Thank you for the head’s up. Maybe next time you call, you’ll have some good news for me, hmm?” He’s back to that suave tone and I smile.

“Maybe.” He’s incorrigible, and I like him all the more.

“That’s not a no, which sounds like progress. Have a lovely day, Everly.” With that, we say our goodbyes and end the call.

As soon as I stare down at my phone again, that uneasy feeling washes over me again. It wasn’t Konan that called me. Someone else was trying to mess with me. But why? And who? And to what end?