Chapter One


I've never been so happy for a friend or unhappy for myself.

No matter what wedding dreams I'd ever had, nothing would compare to the venue that Blake had chosen for him and Thea to be married in.

Heck, it's hard for me to believe that I worked for the guy and had no idea that he had another, more romantic and kind side to him.

I glance up at the old, worn walls of the old church and trace the ivy growing up and over the tops to where the ceiling once was, but now there’s only blue sky and cotton-candy pure white clouds above. When Thea first told me that they were getting married in an abandoned, crumbling church, I thought she was crazy.

And now that I'm here, I can barely catch my breath thanks to the beauty of this place. Where windows used to be, the walls open their throats like they're singing to the trees around us, letting in the sunshine and the cool, but not cold, fresh spring air.

All around the scent of in bloom flowers makes my mouth water and I inhale, wondering if this is the closest I'll ever get to a fantasy land. In all honesty, this feels like a fantasy movie. Everything is beautiful and perfect and unexpected, and so one-of-a-kind. I can't help but be happy for my friend... and sad for myself.

I'm so glad she found love, and on the happiest day of her life, I'm proud to be one of her wedding party. Behind me, I feel our other best friend, Lyla, shift in place. My feet are killing me and I suddenly remember why I hate heels.

Blake stands a few feet away, and the men behind him in a row are all watching him except one who's watching me. I stare without meaning to and feel my face burn before looking away. I know Troy Winslow all too well.

The music begins soft at first before rising in a way that leaves my heart bursting, and I glance toward the back of the room, waiting for my friend to appear. She does, on the arm of her father, and I can’t imagine a man could look prouder. Thea looks stunning with her dark curls pulled up and cascading down around her head, face, and shoulders. Her bright blue eyes are locked on Blake as she walks toward him, a slight curve at the corners of her lips, as if she's excited, happy, and knows exactly what her life holds for her.

I don’t think I've ever seen my friend look so joyous and my heart swells with happiness for her and Blake. Now I'm glad I set the two of them up by telling her to become his nanny. At first I had felt bad, worried that my advice would ruin her life, but it turns out everything worked out perfectly for her.

I watch her walk up toward the man she is about to marry and realize that Troy is still staring at me. For a fraction of a second I meet his stare, before glancing away. What is his problem? Why is he staring at me?

Everyone sitting on chairs turns to watch Thea walk by in her long white gown, and I wonder if I’ll ever get married. I doubt it. After the relationship I just got out of with my on again, off again, narcissistic ex James, I can't imagine ever being in a healthy, good relationship. I mean, I'm damaged goods, but I feel like every time I date someone, I just bring out the worst in them.

I can hear Thea in the back of my head shouting that it's not my fault that the people I date are awful, but at some point - when every guy I date is awful - I have to wonder if I’m the problem.

I can feel eyes burning into me again, and I refuse to meet Troy’s stare. Maybe I'm just being paranoid. Maybe he's not looking at me. He could be looking past me; perhaps he’s staring at Lyla. That would make sense - she’s his ex-wife, after all. Their marriage - and divorce - might have been a lifetime ago, but I know that some people never let things go, and maybe he's one of them.

But then again, he is the one who broke things off with her, so why would he be staring at her now? All these years later, it's not like he could possibly still be in love with her, if he ever loved her at all. I've heard the horror stories. I know how much of a dog he was, and I know how much of a dog he is simply by one fact - I know he is a constant visitor at Club Red.

There's only one reason men go to Club Red, and that sums up everything I need to know about the man.

Still, I'm struggling not to glance in his direction as I feel the weight of his gaze either on me or aimed in my general direction. I’m not about to let him ruin my best friend's wedding.

I stay focused on Thea as she and Blake exchange vows. Watching my friend commit her life to the man she loves, the man of her dreams, has me blinking back tears, and I hope that one day I can find love as deep and sweet as theirs.

When it's all over, I find myself sad. Obviously, I know our friendship is about to change into something different, but this feels like the beginning of the end. Our friendship isn’t over, but this marks the end of an era. She's rightly going to spend a lot more time with her husband. I glance over my shoulder at Lyla, who dabs at tears in her eyes before following our friends out of the beautiful church.

And now I'm standing almost alone at the front of the room as people with their backs to me file out of the doors.

I turn to stare at the front wall again and the open areas where windows used to be, noticing how the sunlight streams in and the wind stirs my hair. I inhale the scent of spring, of flowers, of the trees around us, and wonder how I can ever plan something so unique and beautiful as this place.

I'm not in competition with my friend, but I'd absolutely love something as unique and unexpected and beautiful as this.

On either side of the stage where my friend got married are huge open archways that lead into the unknown, and a sudden urge to explore overwhelms me. I doubt I'll ever come back here, so I might as well look and see what’s hidden away.

I walk into the huge arch, reaching out to touch the smooth, almost sandy stone. My fingers come away with an odd grit and I gently wipe my hands together before glancing around. I don't know what I expected, but I didn't expect another open, empty room with no roof and walls covered in ivy. But here I stand, under the great blue skies, staring up into an abyss and surrounded by walls that might never fall as they let in the local flora. The only windowless holes in this room are set up high, and I turn in a slow circle, staring up. I take in the incredible architecture and feel a sense of overwhelming sadness that this place has fallen into such disrepair, and a sense of awe and wonder that it's still so incredibly beautiful even in its current state.

All at once I feel a strong hand wrap around my ponytail and tug my head back a few inches, forcing an unexpected moan from my lips as another hand presses to my belly, pulling me back into someone's hard body. My heart pounds and my whole body hums to life as excitement thrums in my blood. The stranger growls into my ear, leaving my knees weak and my whole body trembling.

“I want to make you scream, little one.”

My spine stiffens and I freeze, instantly aware of who is standing behind me. Shame fills my body as I think about how incredibly turned on I am and how I was seemingly okay with all of this. I'm not the kind of woman that just lets a man walk up and grab me, much less do inappropriate things or make me moan. My face burns and I pull away, spinning to face Troy.

“What, for the cops?” I can feel my chest rising and falling as my breaths come too quickly and white spots dance at the edges of my vision as a lightheaded feeling overwhelms me.