“As your new don, I will do everything in my considerable power to make our operations an even bigger and better success.”
He turned to me then, his dark eyes unreadable as he retracted his arm from around my waist to lift my hand and kiss my knuckles. He held my gaze along with my hand as he continued to speak to his rapt audience. “And if that includes marriage to the only Costa daughter and securing a powerful alliance that will only make us stronger against those trying to bring us down, then that is what I will do.”
A wave of hot then cold blanketed me, leaving me breathless and light-headed even as sudden quiet permeated the room. I didn’t know who was more shocked, the guests or me. My gaze automatically reached out and found Ethan’s father. Going by his gray pallor, Lorenzo was definitely the most shocked. But he no longer had any say in the matter. He’d just given his son all control.
Evander slowly clapped from the back of the room. Someone followed his lead, then another, until the whole room was cheering, their applause deafening. My lips hurt as I shock-smiled for the avid guests and even more photos as the cameramen surged forward, taking evidence of this momentous occasion.
The young woman I’d spotted earlier ran up to us and embraced Ethan, her shining eyes bouncing between us. “I can’t believe it! I’m going to have a sister!” She focused on her brother. “Why didn’t you say something to me earlier, before telling everyone else?”
Ethan smiled down at the girl who was clearly his sister; I could see the resemblance now. Their genetics were flawless. That his sister appeared genuinely nice and not sadistic like her brother genuinely shocked me.
“I’m sorry, Isabella, if I’d known earlier, believe me, you would have been the first to know. Either way, I’m sure you’ll love Sabrina as much as I do.”
My heart missed a beat and I resisted glaring at him. He spoke of love so lightly, as though it wasn’t the most important emotion in the world. As though just minutes earlier he hadn’t planned to kill me, was possibly still planning on doing so!
Did he not believe in love? Did he not see it was the only thing counteracting the violence and animosity that resided alongside us thanks to the criminal activities that drenched us in their spoils?
“It’s so lovely to meet you, Isabella,” I said, as much from hoping that going along with the charade might save my skin as it was that social politeness, no matter how stilted and contrived, had been ingrained into me.
She was about to reply when Ethan drew me down the remaining two steps and into the crowd of well-wishers, who I suspected weren’t really wishing us well so much as how they could instigate themselves into this latest dynamic…or how they could plot our downfall.
I kept a smile pasted on my face, my muscles already beginning to ache, nodding at those congratulating us even as I wondered what plans Ethan really had for me.
Then his father was there in front of us, his smiling face unable to hide the malevolent glitter in his eyes. Though to be fair, it was probably his resting bitch face.
“It appears we have a double celebration tonight.” Lorenzo raised his drink. “Congratulations to the future Mrs. Agostino. May your time ahead be…long.”
I didn’t have time to reflect on his threat, though that was exactly what it’d been. He couldn’t wait to get rid of me. I was, after all, a part of the rival mafia family who’d murdered his eldest son. Then Ethan led me away from his dad and through the throng, plucking a glass of champagne off a passing waiter’s tray and handing it to me.
“Here, you look like you need this.”
I accepted the glass, then gulped the bubbles down, my eyes watering. “Thanks,” I spluttered. I looked up at him. “Were you really serious earlier, about marrying me?”
He arched a dark brow. “I wouldn’t have made an announcement like that if I didn’t mean it.”
“Really?” Maybe it was the bubbles making me bold, or maybe it was my defiant streak that added, “Perhaps next time you’d like to ask me first. You know, in case I decide it’s not what I want?”
“Are you saying you think you have a choice?”
I managed to hold back the tirade of abuse ready to burst free. The last thing I wanted was to disrespect him in front of his people. At the very least I’d lose my hand, but I’d likely lose my life. I should be getting used to the idea by now, instead my stomach gurgled like its lining had been stripped by acid. “No, I don’t suppose I do.”
“I’m glad you’re finally starting to fathom how lucky you are right now.”
He was right. Just about anyone else would have been six foot under. Though it had been my name that had almost sent me into an early grave, it had also ultimately been my name that had saved me. No doubt Ethan was working out how to best use me as leverage while prying information out of me.
He smiled grimly, taking the empty glass out of my hand to give it to another passing waiter. “It’s probably time we stopped the gossip and gave everyone something far more interesting to talk about.”
“What do you—“
His hands cupped my face before his head swooped low and he planted his mouth on mine, his kiss sending shivers down my spine even as a slow, toe-curling burn worked its way through my body to center at my core.
Everyone else faded away, became white noise that barely infiltrated my head. All I knew, all I cared about, was the deep, wanton need that had my body responding so eagerly to his. That he was my enemy who might still kill me didn’t even register in my brain, not while desire and desperate need held me in its vortex.
When he finally released me I could do nothing but gasp. Holy shit. I was in trouble. Deep, deep trouble. And I had no idea how to extricate my way out of it.
Chapter Six