I soon lost track of time, lost track of everything but my husband as he took me in his arms and pressed me against him to the crooning and husky notes of the singer who sang rock ballads as though she was singing just for us.
I looped my arms around my husband’s neck, wanting this moment to last forever, even while I desperately wanted for him to take me up to his penthouse and have his wicked way with me.
A sudden commotion behind us drew us apart, a brawl between two men that quickly escalated into a group of men taking sides and throwing punches. A couple of women shrieked and hurried to get out of the way of thrown fists and shoved bodies.
The music skittered to a halt, a guitar chord strummed off-key while the singer gasped and looked wide-eyed at the fight.
Ethan drew me toward the bar even as he motioned for his men. “I’ll be right back after I break up this fight,” he said to me once I was safely out of the way.
I nodded, all too aware of the intense glint in his eyes. “Don’t kill anyone, okay?”
“You have my word,” he said, then slammed his mouth over mine for one last kiss before he pivoted and headed into the fray.
Chapter Twenty-Six
I nodded at the barman for yet another shot, then I tossed it back and nodded for another one. I needed the burn it gave me to distract me from the powerful feelings my husband induced inside me.
I glanced through the crowd, watching as the men appeared to suddenly sober up at seeing Ethan. Their rowdy violence turned into deferential respect as he spoke quietly to each one, his soldiers watching on and ready to act at a moment’s notice.
I glanced to where Isabella stood at the edge of the dancefloor, the man she appeared to like holding her in his arms as though protecting her from harm. He looked like a nice guy, too nice perhaps for a woman who’d grown up amongst such badass men?
I shook my head and turned back to order one more shot. The bartender slid it my way just as Lorenzo pushed into the space next to me at the bar and lifted a finger to order a shot for himself.
I sucked in a tight breath. I hadn’t expected to see Ethan’s father here. It didn’t seem to be his scene. He knocked back the shot, then glanced my way and said, “Enjoy my son’s attention while it lasts.”
A chill slid down my heart before centering in my chest. “What?”
His smile was pure icy malice. “Believe me, his attention has always been…short. It won’t be long before his interest in you diminishes. And we both know what happens then.”
Sliding his empty glass across the bar counter, he nodded at me, his eyes glinting before he sauntered away…as though he’d done nothing more than mention the weather…as though my chest wasn’t compressing and my stomach ready to heave.
Pressing my clutch bag under one arm, I hurried toward the ladies room, then hung my head over the basin as my stomach churned and my breaths came out in pants, the walls doing a slow spin around me.
Little wonder Lorenzo’s own children hated him. He was pure evil, a toxic malady wrapped up in leathery skin.
I splashed some cold water on my face, slowly getting myself back together even though at the back of my mind I acknowledged he’d been right. Whatever Ethan felt for me wouldn’t last forever. I was his wife now, but what about in one month? Two months? Less?
A girl with chocolate-brown hair and a little bag over her shoulder stepped into the ladies room. She headed straight to the mirror and adjusted her shoulder-length hair—a wig, I realized—before grimacing and glancing at my hair.
“I think I’ll go your color,” she announced, unzipping her bag and pulling out a long, silver-blonde wig that was almost my exact match. She took off her chocolate-colored wig to reveal a prickling of razed, dark hair.
It wasn’t until she put on her blonde wig and patted it into place that an idea formed in my head. This might be my one and only chance to escape the Agostino mafia family before my imminent death.
The woman then smeared lipstick on her mouth, the same bright color as my own, or close to it! She frowned at her reflection, her eyes catching my wide stare. “Can I help you?” she asked.
I bit my bottom lip. I didn’t have much time. Ethan would only be distracted for so long before he and his men would start looking for me. I cleared my throat. “You’re going to think I’m crazy, but I have an offer for you I don’t think you’ll want to refuse.”
She arched a dark brow. “Oh?”
“How would you like to make some big money by allowing me to use your cellphone and exchanging clothes with me?”
She capped her lipstick and regarded me with interest. “How much money are we talking about?”
I took out my five thousand winnings and placed the notes on the counter in front of her. “More than enough to make it worth your while.”
“Holy shit,” she breathed, then snatched the money up before I could change my mind. “You’re on.”