I was tempted to twist his arm behind him and break another bone, but he was already backing away from me with his hand over the geyser in the middle of his face.
The other jocks looked at one another uncertainly. I gave them a lazy smile. “Fight me, I dare you.” When they didn’t move, I clucked my tongue. “I didn’t think any of you had the balls. Now get your idiot friend out of here. While you’re at it you might want to suggest he respects another man’s wife, no matter if she’s dressed to please her husband.”
The bartender mopped up the blood on the bar and glared at the jocks. “You heard the don. Get the fuck out of here while you still can.”
“Don? Shit.” The darker guy’s face paled before he put his hands up in a placating gesture. “We’re leaving now.”
I turned to Sabrina. Her pupils were dilated, her breathing erratic, like she was having a damn panic attack. I frowned, my own pulse beginning to jump around in alarm. “Are you all right?”
“I just want to go home.”
I nodded at Evander and Serafino, who escorted the now spineless jocks out of the building. Alessandro stayed close to me, keeping sharp lookout.
With the threat gone, I turned my attention back to my wife. “Of course, angel.” I clasped her hand. “Let’s go.”
She shook her head and dug her heels in. “No. Not your home. Mine.”
The bartender hurried out of earshot to serve customers and I made a mental note to give him a pay rise and a bonus. For now though, my focus was all on my wife.
“You know that’s not possible,” I growled.
“Isn’t it? We’re married, not chained together!”
“This isn’t up for debate.” My whole body thrummed with barely suppressed tension and energy, my fight response to danger not yet out of my system.
I let her shrug out of my clasp. “Fine. You want me chained to your side and to your bed, you want to control every aspect of my life, then the repercussions are all on you.”
She stepped around me and stalked through the crowded casino toward the elevator, her dress parting and revealing to anyone looking—and there were a lot looking—that she was naked beneath.
Alessandro chuckled. “Wow. What a woman. You’re going to have your hands full with that one, Boss man.”
I didn’t have the inclination to react to his taunt. I strode after my wife with my dick harder than concrete even as dark, swirling fury rose up inside me. No one disrespected me, least of all my wife!
I caught up to her as she entered the elevator. My skin was tingling and my pulse jumping as I stabbed the button and waited for the doors to slide close. The moment they did I stepped toward her, cornering her. “Don’t ever disobey me again.”
“You don’t own me or control me!” she said with flashing eyes. “If I want to take risks and it backfires on me, just like it did when I snooped in your house and it forced me into this marriage, then so be it. The mistake was mine to make—not yours!”
I crowded against her, one hand cupping her chin and holding her gaze in a hard grip, my other hand pushing past her gaping dress to caress her wet pussy. “But I do own you,” I growled. And perhaps that was my biggest mistake yet. It still wasn’t one I’d regret. I pushed two fingers deep inside her, making her breath hiss and her eyes widen in shocked arousal. “And don’t you ever forget it.”
Chapter Twenty-One
What the fuck was wrong with me? I hated this man and yet I wanted him with every cell in my body. I was drenching wet for him as he finger-fucked me with brutal precision, the practiced motion leaving my knees weak and my face flushed as pleasure grew inside me.
The elevator doors slid apart and he leaned even closer to me and said roughly, “Saved by the bell.”
No. No, no, no, no! He couldn’t leave me like this! Not while I was right on the precipice of orgasm.
He withdrew his hand and stepped back, his nostrils flaring at my heavy scent of arousal. “We’re home, wife.”
“Wh-what are you planning to do?”
“No doubt the very opposite of what you expect me to do.”
I shook my head, my mind whirling. “I don’t understand?”