He cupped my face and pressed a long, slow kiss to my lips. When he pulled back he murmured, “Except I’m not anyone you’ve ever known before.”
I couldn’t deny it, he spoke the truth. I nodded and he whirled me around the dancefloor while I laughed freely, my pulse hammering. That I was attracted to him was something I’d have to examine a little closer another day. For now I’d relish our bond.
I wasn’t the only happy one. I was drawn out of the bubble surrounding us when Isabella’s tinkling laugh sounded close by. I crooked my head and found her through the gyrating crowd. She was flushed, her eyes bright as Salvatore pressed her against him on the dancefloor. They’d probably been dancing together like that from the moment I’d gone in the bathroom with Ethan.
My husband swung me around again, and my glance landed on Lorenzo as he stood back a little from the dancefloor. Though he appeared relaxed, his glittering eyes told a whole different story as he watched Isabella. He made no secret of the fact that he didn’t approve of his son marrying me, even if it was short term. I could only imagine his ire at seeing his only daughter in the arms of yet another Costa.
“My father is getting premature in his old age,” Ethan murmured close to my ear. When I looked up at him with a puzzled frown, he added, “He and Carlo took a whore up to his bedroom for some fun earlier. It used to take them hours to satisfy their particular…needs.”
I shuddered. The poor woman. I didn’t want to think about what she’d gone through.
Lorenzo spun on his heel and stalked toward the MC, bending then to mutter something into the man’s ear.
The MC nodded and lifted his microphone just as the song ended. “Ladies and gentleman, it’s time now for our bride and groom to cut the cake. Just remember, no photos allowed except by those photographers hired for the occasion.”
I pulled back from Ethan, and he reluctantly let me go. I narrowed my eyes at him. “Your father spoke to the MC. He wanted the dance stopped.”
Ethan frowned. “Why would he care? We’re married now.”
I arched a brow. “Yes, but your sister and my brother aren’t.”
Ethan swung around to look at the pair in question as they walked hand-in-hand from the dancefloor, their chemistry burning hot. “Dear old dad really will be pissed,” he mused.
I sighed heavily. The repercussions were becoming greater and greater thanks to me sneaking into the Agostino house to retrieve information. Bad enough my life was on a knife’s edge without involving other loved ones.
I had to paste yet another smile on my face as I cut the cake with Ethan, our hands entwined on the knife handle as the blade sank deep into the cake. My heart constricted. Would he use a blade like this one on me?
Fear slithered through me once again and my grip slipped on the handle, the blade pushing sideward through the cake and making a mess. My husband stilled, his hands gripping mine and his dark eyes scrutinizing me. “I got you,” he murmured.
Yet my hands still shook beneath his as we finished cutting the cake, my smile far more tremulous as more photos flashed and the MC made one more announcement.
“The bride and groom would like to thank everyone here for attending their wedding celebrations, and hope you all enjoyed tonight’s reception. But please, eat some cake and continue enjoying the festivities in their absence as they head off for their honeymoon!”
Everyone applauded, and the MC said, “Come on now, how about we make some serious noise for the gorgeous Mr. and Mrs. Agostino!”
The cheering and shouts were deafening, my legs going wobbly and weak. Where were we going? I’d assumed there would be no honeymoon and we’d be spending the night in his bed here.
I sensed my brother’s gaze on us. He was probably as uneasy about me going away as I was. But then Ethan was leading me through the crowd of well-wishers and behind the staircase, where he stepped inside the elevator with me before he pressed a button that said rooftop.
I was too numb to ask questions, too numb to do anything but simply hang onto him and not fall to pieces as we ascended. Then the elevator doors slid open and cold air rushed in. Red and green colored lights flashed against the velvet darkness, briefly illuminating the waiting, medium utility helicopter sitting on its rooftop helipad.
What. The. Fuck?
“Let’s go,” he said into my ear as the helicopter rotors started spinning.
He drew me toward the metal bird and I instinctively ducked low as the rotors powerful breeze almost blew my wedding gown right off my body. I climbed in, leaving Ethan to deal with gathering up my long train that was flying around like a kite before he followed me inside with it in his hands.
Despite my anxiety, I burst out laughing, his dark chuckle merging with mine before he bent and pressed his mouth to my lips. I couldn’t help but respond. He made me forget about my uncertain future, made me forget, period.
Then he was helping me secure my harness before Evander appeared from out of the gloom, his face creased with a wry grin and his dark hair fluttering along with his jacket as he slid our door shut. The elevator doors reopened and Ethan’s two other brothers stepped out and strode toward the helicopter before all three of the men took a seat each behind us.
Ethan put on my headset and then his own, the helicopter rising into the air then swooping to the left before he spoke into the mic on his headset. “Sabrina, you’ve met Evander. Let me introduce you to my two other brothers, Alessandro and Serafino. All three are with us to keep you safe.”
I swallowed, my stomach in knots. Safe wasn’t exactly how I felt around them, especially not Alessandro and Serafino. I’d grown up with enough scary men in my life to know what men like these were capable of. But maybe that was a good thing. Who would ever attempt to hurt me with Ethan and his brothers protecting me?
Until the day one of them kills you.
I stifled a sob. I had to stop thinking about my looming death. There was always a chance I could escape, and my honeymoon might be the perfect opportunity to do just that.