I shuddered. How he must hate my family…hate me.
The MC gestured toward the bridal table and announced, “Now it’s time to hear from the people who know our bride and groom best! How about some words from the bride’s brother, Salvatore!”
There was sporadic applause, the people here uneasy, probably even affronted by my brother’s presence. I bit into my bottom lip. I’d been so distracted about my upcoming marriage I hadn’t given a thought to how dangerous it was to invite Salvatore here. Any one of Ethan’s guests could put a bullet through his head or his heart.
Salvatore stood and accepted the microphone, his silver-blond hair and goatee striking under the overhead lights, his height impressive even alongside Ethan’s intimidating stature. If my brother was nervous he didn’t show it, but of course he didn’t, he’d mastered his emotions a long time ago.
He looked around the room, making a point not to avoid eye contact with any of the guests. “I’m beyond proud to call Sabrina my little sister, though she’s not so little anymore, obviously.”
That earned him some spontaneous titters of laughter, and I smiled up at him. Isabella stared up at him too, and though it appeared as if she was hanging onto his every word, there was a distinct glint of hostility in her gaze.
Salvatore ignored my matron of honor and glanced at me. “I love her as only an older brother can. I love her stubbornness and her will of iron—even if it did see her disobey way too many of our father’s commands, which in turn saw her endure far too many beatings and other punishments.”
More smatterings of laughter rang around the room, though it was clear many didn’t quite know how to react. Not everyone here was aware of the brutality of a coldhearted father, only Ethan and his siblings would understand better than most.
As though reading my mind, Salvatore added, “Though not many of you here could possibly understand how tough it is to grow up in a mobster family, I’m sure many more of you have witnessed its brutality.” A silent assent rolled around the room before he added, “Sabrina could have succumbed to that brutality. Instead, she fought for her independence, became a shining light in the darkness.”
The entire reception was silent, and I couldn’t help but search out and find Ethan’s dad. Lorenzo’s eyes glittered with dark retribution, his mouth curling into a cold smile. He was someone I’d have to be careful around.
I looked back at my brother, and he gave me a small nod before he advised, “I just hope you realize you’ve met your match in Ethan, and you won’t try to defy him at every opportunity.”
“I can’t promise you that,” I said quietly, but obviously with enough clarity in the hushed room that some of the guests sniggered at my reply.
Salvatore’s gaze moved to Ethan. “I’d hate to see you try to break her spirit…I wouldn’t stand for it.”
How did my brother manage to stay a hairsbreadth away from disrespecting Ethan while dishing out a threat all at the same time?
If Ethan was offended he didn’t let on. Instead, he smiled and raised his glass. “You have my word.”
Salvatore visibly relaxed and nodded, accepting Ethan’s assurance. One thing a mobster family member never did was go back on their word. That hundreds had been witness was just an added insurance.
My brother turned to Isabelle then, their gazes holding for a moment before he handed her the mic and said, “I’m sure you have something to say.”
She narrowed her eyes. “I do, actually.” She pushed back her chair and stood, her skin glowing and her hair shinier than black ink under the chandelier lights. “Even before my brother became don, when he wanted something, he’d conquer the world to get it. Sabrina, Ethan clearly wanted you from the moment he set eyes on you.” She picked up her glass and raised it in the air. “All I can say is…welcome to the family.”
Chapter Fourteen
I smiled as my sister gave the mic back to the MC, even as my heart thudded dully in time to the echo of her words in my ears. Ethan clearly wanted you from the moment he set eyes on you.
Was Isabella right or had she just been saying what the wedding guests wanted to hear? Either way, I wasn’t sure I wanted to know or was ready to acknowledge the truth. Isabella had always been astute, it made me more determined than ever not to allow my feelings for my wife to grow.
It’d only make it harder to get rid of her once I had no choice in the matter.
I hadn’t been thinking lightly when I’d promised myself I’d never be vulnerable again. I refused to lose control of my emotions with anyone, and that included a woman.
Most especially my wife.
As it was it’d taken me years to learn that my pain could be turned into pleasure, like strumming unique chords on an instrument. If I had to inflict that same pleasure-pain on my wife to regain the control I’d lost, then so be it. I would never allow her to see me vulnerable.
She’d never get the chance to use my weakness against me.
The entrée came out then, but I’d lost my appetite. It didn’t stop my wife from demolishing the truffle mushroom risotto with its parmesan crisp. A smile cracked my face, dissolving much of my gloomy thoughts. I loved that she was one of the few women, other than my sister, who didn’t attempt to half-starve herself in order to keep her figure trim.
“Aren’t you hungry?” Sabrina asked as the wait-staff cleared the dishes away before the main was brought out.
I leaned back in my chair, my voice dark with sexual forewarning. “I’m saving my appetite for later.”