Page 56 of Wedlocked

I shook my head at my men, letting them know not to interfere. Her brother might have killed Nico, but no one could blame Salvatore for the vengeance kill. If anyone was to blame, it was my dad, and everyone knew it.

My wife needed to do this now as much as my father needed to know not to mess around with her.

He put up his hands, his mangled and bruised face draining of even more blood. “You don’t have to do this,” he croaked. When she released the gun’s safety catch his hands visibly shook even as he played it cool. “Do you seriously think you can kill me? You haven’t got it in you, girl.”

It wasn’t until her entire body began to tremble and she slowly lowered the gun with an unsteady sigh, that my father’s barely concealed fear gave way to mirth. “I knew it! Even knowing I killed your mother you don’t have the guts to avenge her.”

I put a hand on my wife’s shoulder, then gently took the gun out of her hand. “I’ve got you.” She blinked up me even as I turned to my dad and said, “She might be too compassionate, Papà, but I’m not. Did you forget I was raised by a madman?”

“Wh-what? We’re family.”

I snorted out a laugh, then lifted the gun and pointed at his face. “You’re nothing to me, not anymore. You’ve never cared about your own flesh and blood. You’ve only ever cared about yourself.”

“That’s not true, son.”

Now I was his son?

I bared my teeth at him in a parody of a smile. “Sabrina isn’t just my wife, she’s my family. I can’t believe I almost lost sight of that or of how important she is to me.” I caressed the trigger and said. “But you did teach me one thing, Papà.”

“Wh-what is that?”

“Blood for blood.”

His pants darkened at his crotch, the ammonia scent of urine heavy in the air. Though he’d killed others without mercy, it seemed he was terrified of his own death. That my wife had faced dying with far more courage didn’t escape me.

But then she had said she always tried to make lemonade out of lemons. It was past time I made my own.

I pulled the trigger.



Three weeks later…

I traversed the penthouse suite with Ethan’s private physician by my side, escorting him to the elevator while inwardly my mind reeled somewhere between effusive joy and heavy anxiety.

“Take good care of yourself now,” the physician said in a kind voice. I nodded and managed a smile even before he stepped inside the elevator and its doors slid shut before he was whisked away.

That Ethan hadn’t even been aware of the doctor’s visit thanks to being holed up in his private study for most of the day was probably a blessing. It gave me at least a few minutes to gather my thoughts before I went and told him the news.

I touched my wedding band, then my medallion as I drew in a steadying breath and headed toward Ethan’s office. My diamond ring and my medallion had become lucky charms after I’d escaped death and fallen into my husband’s loving arms. Lord knew I could use all the good luck in my arsenal after what I’d learned.

I was halfway to his office when its door opened and Valentino, Ethan’s enforcer, stepped through. He shut the door behind him with a decisive click, his impassive, bearded face hiding his real emotions, though I sensed a shift that left me more than a little unbalanced.

Why was my husband’s enforcer here? Valentino was rarely called in unless there was something big going down. My vision suddenly narrowed as my hand flew to my chest. Was he here to take care of my brother?

No. Though Salvatore was the one who’d killed Nico, it was in retaliation for our mother’s death. Blood for blood. No one blamed him for enacting his revenge. That he’d spared Ethan’s life had also been noted.

Salvatore was safe.

My vision returning to normal and my pulse settling, I returned Valentino’s nod as I hurried toward the office he’d just exited. I clearly wasn’t the only one with news. I’d make damn sure Ethan told me exactly what was going on.

I didn’t bother rapping on the door. I pushed it open and stepped inside my husband’s domain.

He looked up at me, his cellphone pressed to his ear. “I’ve got to go. Keep me updated if you hear anything…anything at all.”

He disconnected the call and stood, his arms wrapping around me the moment I hurried over to him and tucked my head against the reassuring strength of his chest. “What’s going on?” I mumbled against his shirt.