Serafino laughed. “Can’t say I blame you. She’s one hot bride.” He frowned. “No offense.”
“None taken,” I said mildly, but with a look that spoke volumes. He walked a fine line.
Alessandro fucked the whore so hard her cries had merged into breathless little yelps. Serafino nodded at me then winked, stalking toward the pair just as Alessandro’s thrusts stilled and he groaned long and loud, filling the whore with his seed.
She clearly had a very recent clean bill of health to be screwed without protection. Our physician checked every woman before they even stepped through our front door. The only other requirement was that they had a birth control implant. My family was cautious by nature and careful by habit.
It hadn’t let us down yet.
Alessandro no sooner stepped back before Serafino took his place, unzipping his pants and lining up his cock from behind, then slamming into the whore. The vicious assault was one the whore seemed to appreciate now. No doubt the nose candy was taking full effect and she was floating in a drugged haze.
Alessandro adjusted his still sizeable cock behind his pants as he stalked back to what was left of the coke. After snorting his share, he grinned and said, “Guess I’d better sober up now so that I’m clean before we leave for New York.”
I nodded. “See to it that you are. I need everyone alert for my honeymoon.”
“Have I ever let you down? I know we’re a little high right now, but you can’t blame us for that or for enjoying your dad’s surprise you clearly didn’t want.” He nodded to the whore who was gyrating against Serafino’s hand between her legs. “We couldn’t entirely miss out on celebrating our brother’s wedding now, could we?”
The whore suddenly cried out as she came, and seconds later, Serafino’s whole body spasmed as he, too, climaxed hard.
Alessandro chuckled as he dragged a hand over his designer stubble on his jaw. “As you can see, we’ve had our fun now. Give us half an hour and we’ll be ready for anything.”
Our father puffed hard on his cigar, the tip lighting up before gray smoke billowed. “Send the bitch up to my room now you’re all done,” he said. “Carlo and I will show her how real men fuck.”
“Going to beat her black and blue, are you?” I asked blandly, though I couldn’t help but curl my lip at him.
My father turned to me, his gaze dark with scorn. “Don’t tell me you’ve gone soft now you’re married? Is that Costa slut already leading you around by your balls?”
My whole body tensed. I wanted to pound the bastard into the ground, but I wouldn’t. Despite everything, he was still my father. It didn’t mean I’d let him off scot-free. “If you’d taken care of your own wife instead of bringing whores into the house, perhaps our mother wouldn’t have wanted to forget everything and she’d still be here—“
“I think you two have said enough,” Carlo interjected, stepping between us. “There is nothing to be gained by saying anything more until you’ve both cooled down. This is a day for celebration, not for fighting.”
“Did you forget?” my dad snarled at Carlo. “Not only did he bring the Costa bitch into my home, he brought her brother along, too.” He glowered at me. “How much do you think Salvatore has learned about our family, our home?”
“Not half as much as I’ll be learning about the Costa family.” The rush of coke was beginning to work its magic, making me invincible. “Sabrina will tell me everything I want to know and more. I’ll make sure of it.”
“Good.” My dad nodded, partially placated. He waved his cigar in the air. “We’re all counting on it…the sooner the better.”
“Of course,” I acknowledged.
Serafino ignored our conversation as he withdrew from the whore, turned her around and pushed her onto her knees. “Suck,” he commanded hoarsely.
I nodded at my dad even as I mentally shook my head at my brothers. They reminded me too much of myself. That my blood was running hot now thanks to the nose candy and being witness to my brothers’ sexual acts meant my dick was rearing up and tenting my pants, my head full of thoughts of what I wanted to do to my wife.
Without another word I pivoted, leaving the men to their perverted pleasures and the lone whore to her folly as I headed back inside.
I found Sabrina near the bar, an empty shot glass in her hand and her whole body seemingly paralyzed by whatever my sister was telling her. I frowned. Isabella knew better than to give away family secrets, surely?
It was bad enough she insisted on acting in small theaters, her hobby one that even our father relented to after she said it’d give her practice at acting the part of a mafia’s wife. I grimaced. My father would do just about anything so that his children advanced his own interests.
Ignoring my sister, I grabbed my wife’s arm and said in her ear, “I need to talk to you, alone.”
She nodded mutely and followed me like the obedient wife I knew she would never be. I ignored her brother’s eyes boring into my back as I drew her through the crowd, most of the partygoers dancing and having a great time. They, too, would have indulged in the coke going around on trays along with the plentiful supply of booze.
I pulled her into the nearest bathroom and shut the door, flicking the lock into place before I kicked the toilet lid down. I ignored her startled cry. She was too damn innocent in her bridal gown, too good for the likes of me.
I sat on the lid, pulled down my zipper and drew out my cock before gesturing her over. “Sit on me,” I growled. “Now.”
Her lips flattened as she all but bared her teeth at me. But I didn’t miss the way her lips soon after parted as she stared at my dick like it was coated in the same candy I’d snorted earlier. But then she made a choking noise and averted her gaze. “You’re on a toilet.”