My belly fluttered and my womb clenched. Was that where I’d find the underboss? Ethan might not yet be the don, but it would only be a matter of time before he took over from his father.
I shuddered. Ethan’s father, Lorenzo, made my own dad look like Prince Charming. Violence might be a way of life for our families, but Lorenzo was as soulless as a man could get without already being in hell.
Even I’d heard rumors about the Agostino don’s proclivities. He enjoyed inflicting pain and punishment, and got off on watching others suffer. Not even his family was safe. I could only imagine the sadistic children he’d raised.
The elevator doors reopened and a suited man stepped out. His dark eyes trawling over my silver-blonde hair, he asked, “You’re here for Ethan?”
I blinked, then automatically nodded as realization kicked in. The soldier presumed I’d been hired to have sex with . I ran an absent hand along the silky fabric of my short, fitted gown. I hadn’t intended to dress like one of Ethan’s whores, but who was I to deny fate? I wanted answers, what better way to get them than straight from the horse’s mouth.
The suited man’s eyes glinted. “I can see now why he has a thing for blondes. That lucky bastard really is celebrating tonight.”
I managed a coy smile. Fuck. Did high-priced whores act cheap or did they swan around like celebrities? The whores that my dad and brother had brought into our home hadn’t exactly been subtle about their intentions. But surely discretion was what a higher-end escort provided?
I sashayed past suited-man and stepped alone into the elevator, my panties already a little damp just thinking about what could happen upstairs with Ethan if I wasn’t careful. He’d be expecting pre-celebration sex, probably hardcore stuff only the most experienced of women would know how to enjoy.
I swallowed as the doors slid shut and the elevator swept me upstairs. I’d seen pictures of Ethan. He might have been good looking if not for his hard eyes and the jagged white scar spreading halfway along his jaw. If his full lower lip hinted at sexuality, the thin upper lip hinted at cruelty.
He was something of a paradox to me even before the elevator doors slid open and I was greeted with the man himself…in all his naked glory.
Chapter Two
I lounged back in one of my parlor’s many cushioned seats, my dick giving a half-interested spasm as one blonde whore bent over another on the daybed and snorted a thin white line of crank from her hairless pussy. The two women could be sisters for all I knew. They had the same big, enhanced tits and lips, the same sapphire blue eyes and toned, golden bodies with identical pierced clits.
I was tempted to sample some crank from both their pussies to see which one got me highest, but I needed to keep a clear and cool head if I was to face the guests later with my usual dominant control. Even in my own extended family there were those who hoped I’d fail while they climbed a rung or two on the ladder along the way.
I’d ensure those same people hit rock bottom and stayed there while those who wished me the best or helped me triumph were rewarded accordingly.
I drew a hand up and down my dick. Speaking of reward…it was time these blondes got me off. I might be sporting a hard-on, but that was nothing new. I was perpetually hard and ready to fuck at a moment’s notice, even when my interest was only half in the game.
I waved a hand at the whores to take me in their mouths. Two tongues dancing along my erection were always better than one. Just as one mouth sucking me, followed by another, always made me come harder.
I’d already watched them tongue each other’s pierced clits before they’d come with little shrieks, their arousals scenting the air and sticking in a filmy dew to their inner thighs. It had taken everything I had not to ram my dick into one of their saturated pussies. But if I lost all discipline with a woman, who said my next loss of self-control wouldn’t come at the expense of my life?
In my business, control was everything.
I closed my eyes as one of the whores sucked the considerable length of my dick. I thrust a brutal hand through her hair to help dictate her up-down motion. She gasped, her distress all too clear. That it turned me on made me loathe myself almost as much as it intensified my arousal.
Not everyone agreed with my dark desires. Not even these whores I paid a small fortune to please me.
The elevator doors pinged as they opened once again. I smiled, but didn’t bother opening my eyes. I enjoyed putting on a show for the harassed wait-staff. A perverse part of me wanted to remind them of my authority and clout, of my sexual dominance. It didn’t hurt my reputation, either.
The other whore, who’d been licking and sucking my engorged nuts, stopped suddenly, unprofessionally, to snipe, “Who the fuck is she?”
The way she said it in an aggrieved, envious voice caused my eyes to snap open. My hand involuntarily clenched in her friend’s already ravaged scalp as my breath stalled deep in my throat.
The woman inside the elevator wasn’t just anyone. She was an angel sent from heaven, or at the very least, an angel sent straight out of my wet dreams into my present reality.
Surely she wasn’t one of the blonde whores sent to keep me happy tonight? Not even the exclusive, high-priced agency that was one of my family’s many businesses had a girl like this one. Was she new? She was most definitely exquisite. I couldn’t take my eyes or mind off her, not even when the whores took turns sucking my dick.
From her platinum blonde hair to her silver-gray eyes brimming with intelligence, and her slender physique with tits that were barely restrained inside her dress, she was—
A groan wrenched from my throat as a shockwave tore through my body, then forcibly ejaculated out of me. All thanks to the vision standing in front of me.
Not by the suctioning, practiced rhythm and pressure of the whores’ mouths on me. I got blow jobs on a regular basis and was cynical enough to recognize I’d been getting too much of a good thing, like an addict needing more drugs to neutralize the craving.
I released my grip on the whore’s hair. That she was professional enough not to wince or gag thanks to the huge load I’d poured down her throat was a credit to her. Once she’d licked me clean, I nodded carelessly at the other whore to do the same, my gaze not once leaving the angel who stood gaping at me from the elevator.