Page 95 of Knot Their Reality

"Ahhhh." I make a face. "Look, feel free to tell me to fuck off, but did something happen yesterday? I noticed some tension this morning."

"Yes, I'd like to know as well." Ezra steps up on his other side.

Carson sighs, pausing at the bottom of the stairs. "Yeah, something happened. I'm sure Chase will keep her occupied for a few minutes. You know that Dylan and Brooks took the omegas on a lunch date yesterday. Dylan was being a prick, apparently. He messed up the nest they made, then spilled water on Sophia. Just a bunch of little shit that was grating on Chase's nerves.

"They were in the hot springs, and Sophia couldn't keep her eyes off Brooks and Chase. I can't blame her, they're hot as hell alone, but together?" He shakes his head. "Sorry, an unneeded tangent. Dylan grabbed Chase by his wrist and dragged him into his lap. He wouldn't let go when Chase asked him to."

"Are you serious?" Now I'm fucking pissed. That is the exact opposite of how alphas should be treating omegas.

"Dead serious, unfortunately. Brooks got him away from Dylan and Sophia slapped him before going off on him. Brooks got the omegas out of the springs and then beat the hell out of him."

Ezra nods slowly. "That explains the bruising on his face. He deserved what he got and then some. I'm glad Brooks dealt with him. And the omegas are okay?"

Carson shrugs. "Both of them said they were so we're taking them at their word. Chase does have some bruises from how hard Dylan was holding onto him as he struggled. It could've been much worse."

I bite down on my tongue, afraid of what might fly out of my mouth. Taking a few deep, calming breaths, I nod toward Sophia's suite. "Should we go see what kind of trouble they're getting up to?"

"I'm sure they're kissing," Ezra supplies. "They seem to do that a lot."

Carson and I laugh. "They sure do, Ezra, and it's hot as hell."

"It is," he agrees with a smile.

When the three of us duck into the hallway, we find Chase pinning Sophia to the wall as they practically devour one another which causes all three of us to chuckle. Chase glares at us as he sets Sophia back on her feet, and that just makes us laugh harder.

Sophia sticks her nose in the air and pretends we're not there as she flushes. "Come on, Chase, we have a lunch date."

They breeze past us, ignoring our existence until Ezra calls after them. "But, we're your dates for lunch."

When Sophia spins around, she smiles. "Oh, you're right. How could I have forgotten?"

Ezra's eyes narrow as he considers her before a smile breaks out on his face. "That was a joke."

"Yes, it was. C'mon, Ezra, you can be our escort. We're eating outside in one of the larger gazebos today."

Ezra smirks and raises his eyebrows as he walks by us, letting Chase and Sophia each slide an arm through his. I snort. "That asshole."

"Eh, he did well recognizing that she was joking. We'll let him have it for now."

We trail behind the three of them, but as they start toward the gazebo, they stop abruptly.

"I'm sorry. I don't want to ruin your date. I just want to apologize for my behavior yesterday."

Carson and I look at one another before moving to stand beside the omegas, intent on protecting him.

Sophia raises her eyebrows. "I'm not the only one you need to apologize to. Chase is the first person you should apologize to."

Dylan's eyes run over the male omega before shrugging. "It doesn't look like he's hurt. I'm sure he likes it a little rough, anyway. But if that's what you need to forgive me, then I'll apologize. Chase, I'm sorry for dragging you onto my lap. I just assumed you'd like it."

I'm practically seeing red as I go to take another step forward, but Sophia's hand stops me.

"You can't go after him. The only one who got a pass was Brooks. I don't think they'll let it go a second time."

Nodding, I force myself to stay where I am. I don't want to get kicked off—especially not this early. Turning my head, I see Chase is holding onto Carson, murmuring to him. Probably telling him the same thing Sophia said to me.

"You're in a pack with three men, so I know you take it up the ass."

No, he fucking didn't.