Page 87 of Knot Their Reality

He glances at me with a laugh, threading our hands together. "If we must."

I laugh as we head for the door, finding Hector standing beside one of the golf carts that are used to get around the property.

"Hi, Hector!"

Hector nods his head. "Good morning, Sophia. Are the four of you ready?"

"Hell, yes, we are!" Dylan pumps his fist in the air, sending me and Chase into giggles.

Brooks just shakes his head and takes my free hand, helping me into the golf cart before reaching down to grab Chase's hand. He leads him around the cart and helps him in as well. Dylan climbs into the back seat, Brooks joining him as soon as he's sure we're settled.

"Make sure you hold on," Hector calls over his shoulder as we start to pull away. "It's a bumpy ride."

I squeal as he floors it and the cart shoots forward. I grab hold of Chase, laughing as we start bouncing around. Brooks growls behind us before a hand clamps down on my shoulder. When I glance back at him, I find that he has done the same to Chase.

"Could've put some seatbelts in here. Don't they know there's precious cargo on board?" Brooks mumbles, and I don't think we're meant to hear it. I'm grinning when I turn back to Chase. The moment our eyes meet, we burst out laughing.

It's such an alpha thing to say. I could imagine Liam saying the same thing, which makes me laugh harder. It's not something I would've expected to come out of Brooks's mouth—at least not before last night—but he must be feeling more protective.

Meanwhile, I can hear Dylan whooping behind us, apparently less worried about our safety than Brooks. He sounds like he's having the time of his life. Can't really say I blame him. I love riding in the cart—even if I end up tossed all around it.

Once Chase and I get a hold of ourselves, he turns his head to watch the property fly by us. We've passed all the cabins now, and it won't be much longer until we reach the pond. The day I'd arrived, I'd asked if someone could bring me out here. It looked amazing on the screen, and being there in person was even better.

It's peaceful, being so far away from the mansion and the cabins. It's one of the reasons I'd decided that it would be perfect for today's lunch date. Well, that and the hot springs. A bath just can't mimic the feeling of the hot springs. Trust me, I've tried.

When the cart comes to a stop at the edge of the pond, Brooks is out of the cart before any of us can move. He storms over to grab Hector by the front of his shirt. "What the hell were you thinking driving like that? You had two omegas in the cart. They could've been thrown out and hurt."

"Shit." I clamber across Chase's lap, laying my hand on Brooks's arm as soon as I reach the two of them. As hot as it is to see him so concerned for our safety, he's definitely overreacting. "Brooks?"

He's practically shaking with rage while Hector shakes his head. I shoot him a look when he opens his mouth to speak. Brooks won't hear him in this state.

Before last night, I would've thought that he was in complete control. He always seems to go with the flow, getting along with most everyone. I would've described him as laid back and cool as a cucumber. But not anymore. It seems that his alpha instincts ride him hard when there are omegas involved.

"Alpha? Look at me, alpha, please?"

Still nothing. Chase comes up behind me, caging me between his arms as he too reaches out for Brooks.

"Alpha? We need you," he adds, and finally, Brooks turns his head to face us.

I give him a soft smile. "We weren't in any danger, alpha, I promise you. I've been on the cart more times than I can count. Yes, it's a bumpy ride, but they don't go that fast. We were never in any danger. Not to mention, Hector would never put us in danger, would you?"

"Absolutely not," he replies vehemently. "Omegas are precious and to be protected at all costs."

And just like that, Brooks deflates. He releases Hector's shirt, squeezing his eyes shut as he shakes his head. It takes him a moment, but when he looks up, the regret is clear in his eyes.

"I'm sorry, Hector. I should never have put my hands on you."

Now it's Hector's turn to shake his head. "It's okay. I don't blame you. You thought I endangered them. I deserved to be shaken up a little for not giving you more warning. It's just that Sophia has been out in the cart so many times, I forgot to warn you adequately. I'm sorry."

"Sounds like we're all sorry," Dylan says as he pops up behind Brooks. "No harm, no foul. Why don't we get this date started?"

I frown at how cavalier he sounds but realize he's probably just trying to break up the tension around us. "Yes, let's do that. Come help me carry everything."

Hector collapses back into the driver's seat as Dylan, Brooks, and Chase follow me to the back of the cart. We pull out the blankets, pillows, picnic basket, and cooler. Chase and I are put in charge of the pillows as Brooks takes the cooler, and Dylan grabs the blankets and basket.

I lead the way around the lake, heading toward the hot springs. Winter here in Rancho Mirage is mostly just chilly overnight and the perfect temperature during the day. I can't imagine living somewhere it snows every year. I'd probably die. As pretty as it is, my venture into it two years ago told me that I'm not very good at driving in it.

Plus, it's just fucking cold. A nice climate to visit every once in a while, but I have zero plans of living in it if I can help it.