"I know, but you also have your pack that needs you. I don't want to monopolize your time." And I think that's a big part of why I've been struggling today. "I don't like taking you away from them. You're always by my side, and it's selfish of me to expect that."
Chase sighs. "I don't want to leave your side either, Soph. Our bond is new so we want to be together. The guys know that. If they thought you were monopolizing my time in a way that would be hurtful to either of us or to the pack, they would've said something. You don't need to feel guilty about wanting to be around me."
"I think I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around what's going on with us and them." I slip my fingers into his. "If it wasn't for me, they wouldn't have to worry about having conversations about you and other men. Your relationships wouldn't be as up in the air if you hadn't come on the show. What if it breaks what the four of you have? I don't want that."
"Neither do we, but don't you worry about that. I'm not. What I have with them can't be broken. We knew coming onto the show that we wouldn't be the only ones vying for your hand. We knew that there was a good chance that I could meet someone that interests me. Hell, they might meet someone that they're into. We're okay with that.
"But what I want to make sure is that you're okay with everything going on. You don't need to worry about my pack or my relationship with them. We came into this with our eyes wide open, but I know you weren't expecting us to show up. To have another omega taking the attention off of you."
"No." I shake my head. "I don't feel that way at all. I just... I don't even fucking know. I didn't realize how hard this would be. I didn't think it would be easy, but I didn't think it would be like this. I usually bury my omega side. I've used suppressants for years, only having a heat once every couple of years. I'm used to what it feels like after I come off the suppressants for a few months, but this time it feels different."
We're both silent as I soak in the comfort that he's offering me until he finally asks. "Do you think it's because you're looking for your mates—your pack? Do you think that's why it seems like your omega is so much more dominant this time around."
"Maybe? I guess that's something I'll need to discuss with Finn, but not right now. When we check in with him before bed, I'll let him know I'd like to talk with him tomorrow. Right now, we need to get ready for dinner."
"No. We're not going to join the others for dinner tonight. We're going to have a naked picnic right here in your room."
That brings a smile to my face. "Oh, are we now? Just the two of us?"
I bite my lip, considering his words. "We shouldn't really invite others if we're going to be naked, right?"
"Why the hell not? If they can't deal with us being naked, then that's a them problem."
We laugh together as we finally pull ourselves from beneath the covers.
I know who I'd like to join us, but I'm afraid to voice the words. Chase finally coaxed the names out of me before placing a call to Bree.
Which is how I find myself sitting amongst the blankets and cushions we've piled on the floor of the sitting room an hour later. I still think it's a risk having two naked omegas with alphas and betas who might choose to be naked themselves.
And by risk, I mean I'm afraid I'm going to jump their bones. I think that's what Chase is hoping for. We'd covered up long enough for the staff to deliver dinner for six. Bree had assured me and Chase that she'd let the four suitors in, but she wouldn't come in herself.
Excitement and worry fill me as I turn to Chase. "And she told them it was a naked picnic, right? I don't want them to walk in here expecting one thing and getting something completely different."
"Take a breath, Sophia. Everything is going to be fine. Bree said she'd tell them exactly what I told her, and they all agreed to this. It's just dinner, unless you decide you want it to be something else."
I nod, snuggling into his side as I try to calm my racing heart. Whatever happens, happens. I need to stop putting so much pressure on myself. I know that, but it's easier said than done. And how am I supposed to turn off my overthinking?
Hmmm... There's one surefire way to do that. I lift my head up. "Kiss me."
"Anytime," he whispers before doing just that. I lose myself in his kiss, my arousal rising with every second.
Should I be worried about them walking into a room stinking of two aroused omegas? Probably. Am I? Nope. Because my brain has finally shut off.
The clearing of a voice breaks us apart. Glancing over my shoulder, I shoot the four men a sheepish grin. "Sorry, I didn't hear you come in."
"Of course you didn't." Carson grins, dropping down on Chase's other side. "Chase is very good at being a distraction."
I don't respond, turning to the others with a roll of my eyes. "Please, sit."
"At least now I know why I'm the only alpha." Brooks licks his lips as he looks between me and Chase. "Wanted as many beta buffers as you could get, didn't you?"
"Ummm..." I bite my lip. "Not on purpose? Chase, why didn't you tell me I invited one alpha and the rest are betas?"
He chuckles, my body shaking with the movement. "I figured you did it on purpose. Because I've been hearing about how you almost jumped Brooks after your date."
I open my mouth to argue before snapping it shut again. "Yeah, that's accurate. But no, I didn't even realize." I glance at Brody and Foster, gesturing for the three of them to join us. "When Chase brought it up, you were who I thought of."
"So, does this naked picnic mean we all get naked? Or just the two of you?" Foster asks as he drops down across from us. Brooks settles next to him while Brody sits on my other side.