Reginald moves closer, and I turn to him. "What is going on?"
He just shakes his head, refusing to meet my eyes. "The limo has just pulled in. Let's get this show on the road. Good luck, Sophia."
Then he, too, leaves me alone. Trying to squash the fear and anxiety inside of me, I force a smile as I focus my attention on the limo. When it comes to a stop, the door doesn't immediately open.
The longer it remains closed, the more I'm freaking out. Why won't whoever is in there just come out?
When the door finally opens and a man steps outside, all I can do is stare in horror before the world around me begins to spin and tumble. The edges of my vision darken as dread builds and tears fill my eyes, further blocking my vision. I can't breathe or move. All I can do is stand there.
Until the entire world goes black, and the last thing I feel is the sensation of falling.
"Sophia," a voice hisses quietly, disturbing me.
I groan, swiping in the general direction of the voice. "Five more minutes. I'm not ready to get up yet."
But even as I say the words, I know there's no way I'll be able to go back to sleep. Fuck, I really hate it when people wake me up.
Why is someone trying to wake me up?
I lift a hand to my head, realizing it's pounding. Did I drink last night? Why does my body feel so heavy, my head so fuzzy?
Then everything rushes back to me.
Chase. I thought I'd seen Chase stepping out of the limo. But of course there's no way that he was. There's no reason for him to be here. He has a pack, and he's an omega. And they didn't fucking want me.
"Fuck," I groan, anger and confusion swirling inside of me as I blink my eyes against the blinding lights shining into them. "Why's it so bright?"
"Finnegan, lower the lights, will you?" Bree asks quietly, taking my hand in hers. "How are you feeling, Sophia?"
I let out a sigh of relief as the lights lower, and I struggle to sit up, looking around as I do so. We're in my suite, but I'm not actually sure how we got here. After thinking I saw Chase, I remember nothing.
"What happened?"
Finnegan sits on the bed on the opposite side of Bree with Tessa standing right behind her. "You passed out."
"Because I thought I saw someone."
He glances at Bree, eyes narrowed and a frown on his lips before turning back to me. "No, Sophia, I think you did see who you thought you saw."
"What? Chase is here? Why? He shouldn't be here. He's an omega, and he has a pack. He can't be on the show so why is he here? I don't want him here." My head is spinning as I rush through my words.
Bree squeezes my hand lightly, eyes filled with tears when I focus on her. "When we were looking at suitors for you, the network came to us and asked us if there was some way we could spice up the pool of suitors. They're assholes like that, and at first I refused, but then I got to thinking about those four men that you haven't been able to forget. You admitted that forgetting them was a huge reason why you wanted to be on the show.
"So I reached out to a friend of mine who's a private investigator. He found Pack Lewitt, and I went there, demanding answers about the way they treated you." She raises her hands when I glare at her. "I know I overstepped, but from everything you said, they seemed to be just as into you as you were into them. I had to find out what had happened. When I approached them, I found out that the story you believe, isn't quite right."
"What the hell are you talking about? As if I don't know what the hell happened to me." I scoff. "I can't believe you did that."
Tessa laughs. "You should believe her. Ever since she met her pack, she's determined to get everyone packed up. But more than that, I also spoke with Pack Lewitt, and I think you should listen to what they have to say. You don't have to believe them, and you always have the choice to send them packing, but I honestly think it's in your best interest if you at least hear them out."
"Can't you just tell me what I'm apparently missing? I'd rather not speak to them if I don't have to."
Both women shake their heads before Bree sighs. "It's something I think you really need to hear from them."
I grasp my hands together as I shake my head. I don't want to talk to them. I don't want to see them. I came here to forget about them. How can I do that if they're here?
"Sophia?" Finnegan asks softly. "As much as I hate how they did this—springing it on you was not the way to go about this—I think you need to hear what they have to say for themselves. It could give you the closure that you need."
"And what if it makes everything worse?" I know it's my anxiety talking and that all three of them just want what's best for me, but this isn't what I want. My nerves are shot, and my anxiety is through the roof. I never thought I'd see them again. I told myself that I didn't want to see them again, but here they are. And as much as I don't want to see them—or hear them out—another part of me wants nothing more than to see them again.