Page 33 of Knot Their Reality

Chapter Ten


I’m definitely feeling overwhelmed as we head toward the mansion. Paxton and Malik walk in front of me, chatting, but they both glance back to check on me every once in a while—which is probably more frequent than they think, since the walk to the mansion isn’t that far.

Brody and Quinn walk on either side of me, and while Quinn makes sure to keep space between us, Brody’s hand is on my lower back. It helps to settle me, makes me feel more at ease. And this is why betas are so damned important. I’ve even heard that they can be soothing to alphas, though I’ve never thought to ask.

Bree notices my unease when I’m walking past her, and she reaches out an arm to stop me. When Quinn and Brody stop as well, she shakes her head. "The two of you can go on. I just want to check in with Sophia for a minute."

Both of their eyes turn to me, and it takes a lot to hold back my laughter. I just shoot them a quick smile as I nod. Then I take a moment to watch them as they continue walking into the dining room.

Beside me, Bree laughs. "I remember loving watching the suitors walk away. Tessa does a damn good job of making sure they look just as good walking away as they do walking toward you—something I tried to emulate in my picks as well."

That sends me into a fit of giggles, and I feel a bit more of that unease lift.

The look Bree gives me is soft. "What's up, Sophia?"

"Nothing. Everything is good."

Bree just cocks an eyebrow, causing me to let forth a deep sigh. This damn omega sees too much. Or maybe I've just let my guard down so much more since I've been here. Either way, I know she won't be letting it go anytime soon.

"I didn't think I'd be meeting celebrities—let alone considering them for a spot in my pack. It's thrown me off kilter. Which, I know, doesn't make sense. All four of them were nothing but kind to me." I shake my head. "I actually think that might be what's making me freak out? Here they are, these hot celebrities who are here for me to consider them? I have great self-esteem, Bree, but they're so far out of my league."

“Even Brody?” she asks with a grin, laughing when my mouth gapes open. “I get it. Meeting someone famous can be interesting in the first place, but then add to it the fact that you’re on the show as well. I can see how that would throw you off.

"But you're not out of their league—any of them. Just because they're celebrities doesn't mean they aren't humans with their own wants and needs. You just need to get to know them better, learn to separate the celebrity from the man. But I can't wait to tell Brody you called him a celebrity."

I roll my eyes. "Well, he is. Just like you and your pack, the suitors that weren't chosen have been splashed all over social media. And I don't use it much so that tells you how often their names are being mentioned if I saw it."

Now it's Bree's turn to nod. "That's true. Tessa and I hoped that the show would do well, but its success is beyond our wildest imaginations. We also didn't expect for the omega and suitors to be thrown straight into celebrity status. Wanna know something funny?"

I nod because talking to her is calming my tattered nerves. If I could find a way back to the relaxed state from the spa again, I would die a very happy omega.

"Brody has received at least one marriage proposal a day since the show ended." Bree lets out a peel of laughter. "And usually it's closer to ten or twenty a day. There are even men who have proposed to him—even though he made it crystal clear that he was not into men."

I glance into the dining room with a grin on my face, only to find four sets of eyes locked on us. A shiver runs through me at being the center of all their attention. It’s a lot—not that I hate it.

"Like I said, they're just like us. You just have to get past that voice in your head saying they're not." She lays her hand on my arm, squeezing. "If you need a break, just say the word. We'll start dinner late. I know not a damn one of those men will care."

I shake my head. "No. I don't run from things that overwhelm me. If I did, then I never would've made it as far as I have in my career. Once we've finished with dinner, then I'll take a few moments in my room—probably my nest—and then I'll spend more time with them.

"It probably sounds like I'm being stubborn, but that's not it at all. Okay, it is, but I want this so bad, Bree. I didn't know how badly I wanted a pack until I got here." I shrug. "And I can't find my pack if I don't put in the work."

"While that might be true... Take breaks when you need them. It won't do anyone any good to burn yourself out and refuse to leave your nest."

I laugh at that. "That would never happen, but I promise to take time when I need it."

"Okay, then let's head in there." Bree and I make our way around the table. I sit carefully in my chair, unwilling to mess up my gown.

I think this one might be my favorite. It's a deep, rich purple and is made from Charmeuse that feels phenomenal against my skin. The front is deceptively demure, with a halter top that leaves my shoulders bare but covers me from head to toe. It hugs my curves before flaring out to fall to the floor.

As soon as I begin to walk, the demure image is ripped away when the hip-high slits on each side show flashes of skin. And then there's the back. The halter top goes from thick in the front to just a string in the back. That string forks off across my back to hook to the side of the dress, to be sure it stays in place, before heading back to connect to the skirt of the dress, leaving most of my back bare. The cut of the skirt is so low that the barest hint of my ass cheeks is visible.

"Thank you, suitors, for your patience." Bree smiles at the suitors, her voice drawing me away from my thoughts of how much I adore this dress. She goes on to explain our schedule for tonight and tomorrow, advising that she, Tessa, or Hector will show each of them to their rooms once we've finished dinner.

For the first time, I realize I have no idea who is staying in what rooms. I wonder if that's information I should have? Should I ask Bree about it? The suitors all know exactly where my suite is, but I don't actually have any way to reach out to the suitors.

Which, I guess, is the purpose right now. I'm not supposed to be focused on the suitors who I've already met and spent time with. The purpose of this time is to focus on just four suitors at a time to prevent myself from becoming overwhelmed. At least I haven't forgotten anyone's name yet. I definitely count that as a win.