I already informed Brody and Chase of my decision but swore them to secrecy. A small part of me is afraid that I'll hesitate when Saturday rolls around, and I don't want to hurt Brooks like that. This way, if I can't bring myself to do it, it'll be easier. Or at least that's what I'm hoping.
Instead of having breakfast as a group, it was sent to our rooms at eight this morning. The first date is set to commence at 9:00, and I'm practically bouncing on the couch while Brody and Chase try to calm me.
"Is she always like this?" Brody asks Chase. "I mean before dates? I'm not sure I've seen her act like this since we arrived."
I shoot him a glare, but he just ignores me while waiting for Chase's response.
"Kind of, yeah." Chase presses a kiss to my head. "And Brody isn't making fun of you or anything, baby. He's just surprised. Personally, I think it's adorable."
"Yeah, yeah, yeah." I wave my hand at the two of them, dismissing their words. I don't care that Brody asked or that Chase called me adorable. I'm just ready for the dates to begin. And yes, I'm probably acting like a little schoolgirl waiting to go on her very first date, but I don't care.
When the knock on the door finally sounds, I almost squeal as I jump to my feet. I can hear Brody and Chase chuckling behind me, but I choose to ignore them as I walk over to the door and throw it open.
Quinn stands on the other side of the door wearing what looks like workout clothes. "Good morning, Sophia."
"Good morning, Quinn." I glance down at my leggings that I've paired with one of Chase's t-shirts. "Are we dressed okay for whatever you have planned?"
"You're perfect," he tells me, and I can feel myself flush as he glances over my shoulder at the other two. "Brody. Chase. Brody, do you have any sweats?"
I glance back, realizing Chase is already in sweats and a tank top while Brody is wearing jeans and a t-shirt. How did I not notice what they were wearing? I guess I haven't been overly observant this morning.
"I do. Let me just toss some on." Brody starts undoing his pants as he heads for the bedroom. He'd moved most of his clothes down here last night. Chase has half his clothes here, and half in the pack suite.
"So, Quinn, what do you have planned for us today?" I ask, hoping to get a clue while we're waiting for Brody.
Quinn just shakes his head. "You'll have to wait and find out, won't you?"
I stick out my bottom lip, and Chase laughs as he throws his arm around my waist. "No pouting today, omega. Today's going to be a day filled with fun."
I roll my eyes, but the corners of my mouth are already turning up into a smile.
Brody steps out then, and Quinn leads us out the front door and off to the side of the mansion to where Ulf and I had stargazed only a few days ago. I see yoga mats set up and start bouncing on my toes.
"Please tell me we're doing yoga! I love yoga!"
The three of them chuckle at my exuberance, but Quinn nods. "We're going to do some meditation and then yoga. This is actually how I usually start my day. It helps me feel centered, and with how often I end up at different locations for filming, that's something I need."
A smile lights up my face at that. "I love that. We'll follow your lead."
Meditation isn't something I've done before, but as Quinn walks us through it, I can see why he does it. The yoga routine he walks us through isn't super hard, but I can feel the burn when we're done. When Malik arrives, I'm a little sad that our date with Quinn is over with. Meditation and yoga doesn't allow for much talking among one another, but Quinn is one of the suitors I know I need to spend more time with this week.
I shoot Malik a smile before turning back to Quinn. "Thank you for the date. I enjoyed it a lot. This week we're doing all-day group dates, so there won't be as much time to spend with everyone one-on-one, but one night this week, I'd really like it if we could take some time, just the two of us, to talk."
"I'd really like that." A smile lights up his face, and before I know what I'm doing, I'm leaning up toward him. He ducks down and offers me his cheek, but I catch his lips with mine instead. It's just a brush of lips against lips, but he looks shocked when I pull away.
"I'll see you later, Quinn, and if you don't mind, I'd like to start joining you some mornings for yoga and meditation."
"Absolutely, and thank you for joining me." He still looks a little shocked as I head toward Malik. Brody and Chase have already joined him. "Good morning, Malik."
"Good morning, Sophia." He inclines his head at me. "We're heading up to the theater for our date."
"Oh, fun!" We trail behind him as he leads us back to the house and up to the second floor. Once we're seated in the first row, I turn to Malik. "What are we watching?"
He smiles but seems a little unsure as he answers me. "A history documentary. This is one of my favorite things to do with downtime."
I try not to grimace. I'm not usually a fan of documentaries, but I'm willing to give it a shot. "That's awesome. I'm looking forward to seeing what you love."
And it turns out not to be a bad documentary. It's about the Event and the first of our kind. It's told well, and I'm not bored. When it ends, I turn to him with a grin. "I'm not going to lie, I thought that was going to be boring as hell."