"Now that we've reached the halfway point of the show, it's getting harder and harder to say goodbye. With that being said, not everyone is going to be right for the pack that I'm building—that we're building." She gestures toward us. "I can't keep people just because I hate to send them home. I have to make the decisions that are best for me.
"Which is why tonight, the last three roses I hold mean so much. For one person, it's going to be the end of the journey, for another, the start of a new adventure, and for someone else, some time spent with me and my omega. I don't come to these decisions easily, so know I've thought long and hard about this."
She smiles, but there's sadness behind her eyes as she turns her head to face Jackson. "Unfortunately, tonight, you'll be heading home. When I envision my future pack, I can't imagine you there which tells me that we're not meant to be. But I've enjoyed getting to know you over the last four weeks."
"As I've enjoyed getting to know you and the other suitors," he replies with a wry smile, taking the rose from her. He leans in to kiss her cheek before stepping back. "You're a wonderful person, Sophia, and as sad as I am to be going home right now, I know you've made the right decision."
He steps back to his spot as Sophia turns to the other two. "I really don't want to draw this out. Jace, I'd like you to join me and Chase for a date this week—"
"Does Chase get to come on my date too?" Carson calls out, breaking up some of the tension as laughter spills through the room.
Sophia rolls her eyes, ignoring him. "As I was saying, we'd like you to join us this week."
"I'd love nothing more. Thank you." Jace takes his rose and steps back.
"Ezra, you've found yourself on a new journey here. For someone who wasn't sure how they'd do, I'd say you're doing great. After everything that went down between the three of us, I think it's time for us to push your boundaries a little more. I'd like you to join me and my entire pack overnight later this week—if you think you're ready for that."
Ezra's smile is soft as he nods. "I appreciate how patient you and Chase have been with me. It would be my honor."
I smile when he leans down to kiss her, and Reginald takes that as his cue to wrap everything up. It sucks that Jackson is being sent home, but how many more suitors can Sophia truly choose? There are already four of us. Seven if you count Pack Lewitt, which I do.
I guess only time will tell.
Chapter Thirty-six
Now that we've reached the halfway point, it seems like time is flying by. Somehow, it's already Saturday again. It’s time for the next rose ceremony, and Sophia is on edge.
I know she's enjoyed the week, even with Ezra getting cold feet when he was meant to join us for the night. I also know she's planning to offer him another white rose tonight, in hopes that he'll be able to go through with it.
If he can't, then that's fine, but it also means he's probably not the right fit for our pack. I know she likes him and lets more slide with him because of his autism, but I don't think he'll fit in our pack. Even if she chooses him, I don't know if I will. Why is everything so complicated?
We also went on dates with Carson and Jace this week. The date with Carson was easy. He's already mine, and I've been with him for years, and Sophia slots into my pack so well. If only she could get over what happened, then we could all be happy.
Jace... now, that had been a date we'd all thoroughly enjoyed. There's just something about him that makes you want to be around him, to bask in his personality. Plus, he's hot and has a wicked tongue—and not just when speaking. Like I said, we all thoroughly enjoyed our date.
Now, I lead her into the ballroom with Brody, Brooks, and Foster at our heels. She's tense though, and I can't understand why. I tried to ask her what was going on, but she'd just shaken her head. There's no way I pissed her off in the hour we separated to get ready for tonight so it must have something to do with the other suitors.
I just don't understand why she's shutting us all out. What happened while we got ready to make her act like this? I glance back at the others and find them all watching Sophia worriedly.
She stops us just before she ventures up the stairs. She turns us around to face the others, a determined look on her face. "What I'm about to do is going to piss off a lot of people, but after careful consideration, I've decided I don't give a fuck. Please, just support my decision and have my back for me?"
"Of course," I blurt out, eyes raised. "But do you want to give us a little more information?"
"No. It's best that you don't know. Because I'm definitely going to catch some ire for it. Best you're just as surprised as everyone else." She glances at the other three members of our pack. "And you?"
"Anything you need, omega. I have your back." Brooks kisses the top of her head, but I can see he's just as worried as I am.
Foster and Brody each grab one of her hands, squeezing them as they step closer so they can brush against her. They're scent marking her to try and calm her down. I smile because I know how much it helps me when Carson does it with me when I'm upset.
Shit. My pack.
I glance at where the suitors stand, eyes wide as I glance between my pack mates. Is this it? Is she sending them home? Is that why she's freaking out so badly? Why is she so sure people will be upset? Gods, what does that even mean for me?
Suddenly I'm pulled into a hug alongside Sophia. A deep rumble starts in Foster's chest, unlike anything I've ever heard before. It seems to be similar to an alpha's purr, but not quite right. I've never heard of a beta purring. But whatever he's doing is working as both Sophia and I relax in his arms.
I hadn't realized just how close I was to having a panic attack. Not until he'd calmed me in a matter of seconds.