Page 70 of Rise After Fall

Dad’s smiling as they approach until he catches sight of me, and it fades into a concerned frown.


I pull myself together as a whimper escapes, and I descend the three steps to him.

“Dad,” I cry, and I race down the steps, away from Tobias and toward my father’s embrace.

“Whoa, hey there. I guess Tobias didn’t spoil the surprise,” he says as he hugs me in return.


“Yes, your mother was distraught at the news that you would be working and unable to come home for Thanksgiving, so we came to Tennessee to spend the holiday weekend with you.”

“And you brought Tobias with you.”

“Yes. When he heard we were coming, he wanted to surprise you, but he snuck away while Langford was showing me around,” he explains.

“Oh,” I murmur.

“Well, did it work?”

I release my hold on him and step back. “Did what work?”

He chuckles. “Are you surprised?”

I look from him to Langford and back to Tobias, who is still perched on the handrail like a fucking peacock.

“Completely,” I say.

Langford slaps my father on the back. “She’s so shocked that she’s practically speechless.”

“Where’s Mom?” I ask.

“She is up in our suite. Langford here was nice enough to offer us his private suite since the hotel was full. It has three bedrooms, so you can come stay with us while we’re here.”

Them and him.

“I think I’d rather stay here with the rest of the staff than in the hotel.”

Dad frowns.

“I don’t think the others would care if you stayed with your family,” Langford says.

I bring my eyes to him and smile. “Thank you, but I don’t want them to feel like I’m being given any preferential treatment. You understand, don’t you, Dad?”

“Not really, but it’s up to you. As long as your mother gets plenty of time with you, I guess it doesn’t matter where you sleep.”

“I’m running late. I need to get to the office before the school opens, so if you all will excuse me,” I say as I walk around them, avoiding Langford’s questioning eyes.

“Your mother was hoping to have breakfast together,” Dad calls after me.

I stop and turn back to him. “What’s the suite number?”

“Seven eighteen,” Langford answers.

“I’ll go pop in on her first.”

I leave them standing together and hurry back to the hotel without my phone.